
If you swapped your eyes over would you still see the same sights?

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What I really mean is. Is your right eye just a right eye and you left eye just a left eye. If your right eye and left eye was taken out and then put back into different sockets what effect would it have on your vision. Would your left hand look as though it was your right hand and would you try to put your right shoe on your left feet. I could go on but I think by now you'll have got the picture, that is providing your right eye is in the right place.




  1. There is some difference between the left and the right eye, you would just have crossed vision if you switched where the eyes were located. There is what is called a macula, fovea and the optic nerve, those help to see images as well as the retina, when looking at an eye through different instruments it's easy to determine which eye you are looking at due to the placement of the macula versus the optic nerve.

  2. i would like to thank you for asking that question because i think as you do. and that is a very good question. because of what they tell us about the left brain right brain thing i think it might be slightly different. (just my opinion I AM NOT A DOCTOR.)just my opinion.

  3. why do you think of these things?

  4. Well, if your eyes stayed conected in the original sockets then you would see as if you were crossing your eyes. Pretty much double vision

    However, if the total eye was replaced (so that the eye was re attached in the new socket) then your vision would remain the same except for a blind spot mentioned below.

    There would be a small blind spot in the center of your vision in both the above examples due to each eye having a blind spot on the outsite where the retina attaches (or something like that)

  5. No. Your brain would depict the same sights.

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