
If you swim with a tampon, help me?

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im going to be going to the lake soon on a camping trip and were going to be swimming in the lake...

but the thing is, im still on my period...

i use the playtex pearl tampon regulary but idk if you can use that for swimming as well..tell me if i can please.

but if you cant use that...tell me what kind you perfer or what kind i could use., what kind of tampons can i use to go swimming?




  1. any tampon will work!!!

  2. You can use any kind of tampon; try to go for the small ones. Platex Pearl works great for swimming. I am a regular swimmer and have been swimming for 13 years (i am only 14) ! I prefer the regular platex the slender ones for light days and the regular ones for heaver days. Hope this helps! Kimberly :) Have fun at the lake!

  3. well it you are looking for the best Quality i would us playtex SPORT! manly b/c it is less likly to spill and sence you are in the water some times ppl would use a size biger to make them fill more confadint

  4. All tampons are okay for swimming

  5. Any tampon works (:

  6. My favorite brand is OB. They don't have applicators, so that takes some getting used to, but I'll never go back. I like that they are very compact (you can hide 3 or 4 of them in one hand!) and there's not little plastic trash to dispose of.

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