
If you take 16 pills of lexapro of 20mg whats going to happen?

by Guest33981  |  earlier

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If you take 16 pills of lexapro of 20mg whats going to happen?




  1. You'll end up in the ER getting your stomach pumped.  

  2. if it doesn't kill you...It will surely cause damage to your stomach and intestines and liver...maybe not immediately but it damages....

  3. In clinical trials of escitalopram, there were reports of escitalopram overdose, including overdoses of up to 600 mg, with no associated fatalities. During the postmarketing evaluation of escitalopram, Lexapro overdoses involving overdoses of over 1000 mg have been reported. As with other SSRI's, a fatal outcome in a patient who has taken an overdose of escitalopram has been rarely reported.

    Symptoms most often accompanying escitalopram overdose, alone or in combination with other drugs and/or alcohol, included convulsions, coma, dizziness, hypotension, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, sinus tachycardia, somnolence, ECG changes (including QT prolongation and very rare cases of torsade de pointes). Acute renal failure has been very rarely reported accompanying overdose.

  4. Proof of stupidity!!!

  5. you know, i have always wondered that.  I used to take two, of 25.  But i moved on to Zoloft now.

    Sorry I couldn't answer your question.  But if you feel depressed right now, I don't blame you cause I do too.  and sadly, today is my birthday too.

  6. your stomach=pumped

  7. death??

  8. It will make your stomach hurt.

    I will save you some time... just put away the pills, give me your address - and i will personally come and punch you in the gut.

  9. youll overdose

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