
If you take Karate, what motivates you to go every day and what motivate you to push yourself?

by  |  earlier

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I ran out of room to put every part of the question. So here is the rest.




  1. I am motivated by my desire to better myself as a human being.

  2. I LOVE IT!!!!!

    It has become a part of who I am, and a part of my everyday life. I rearrange my schedule to go to class. I practice at home everyday. I stay motivated by wanting to be the best that I can be.

  3. I am much older than most people asking questions here.

    But you wouldn't know it by my appearance or physical performance and that is my motivation. Don't get me wrong, I don't look 18 but the few "old" friends I see on a regular basis do look their age and then some. Almost all have health issues and I don't really have any. REAL karate can help keep you young physically and sharp mentally. I wanted a black belt once too but I now have a whole lot more. My health. Try to consider your future at any age. Martial arts don't always have to be just about fighting or ranks. All the MMA kids just want to kick a%s, well father time kicks everyone's a%s in the end. A martial art should provide you with longevity too. Push yourself for none other than yourself.

  4. im getting tested for black belt in december yayy :D i just think of how strong i want to be and how amazing and what a good experience it is, plus my dad has an easier time letting me go on dates cause i can defend myself against a guy if he tries to hurt me heheheh :)

  5. i just want to become a better figher(not like become a professional fighter but become a good fighter).

    if you are findin it really hard to keep yourself motivated maybe you should take a break for a litle while or try another style or perhaps even invite a friend so you have more reasons to go.

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