
If you take one 40mm anti anxiety pill how long will it be in your system? Or will it show up in urine tests?

by  |  earlier

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My friend said she was giving me Tylenol and i later found out that it was ant anxiety (she is no longer my friend) however i have to get a physical sometime before July 31st i took it sometime near the end of April. Do you think it will show up in my Urine test? Its about a 40mm pill. please let me know




  1. If you took it in April, it is already gone.  It wouldn't show up if you were to be tested today.

  2. First find out the exact name of the drug you were given, if you're competeing/geting a job find out if it's on the banned list.

    Honestly I dont think it'll stay that long. I know with steroids and other sports drugs can leave you body in 5 days to 5 months. It was only one pill anyways.

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