
If you tell someone somthing and they tell everyone do you stay there friend? why?

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If you tell someone somthing and they tell everyone do you stay there friend? why?




  1. no

    cuz she backstabbed me

    why else??

  2. Unfortunately, yes.

    I'm too scared of conflict and of being disliked to make much of a fuss about it. But we usually drift apart, because I don't enjoy spending time with them anymore. :[

  3. nope

    if i tell something to a friend an say it in private i dont want her to tell the world and would not remain being a friend

  4. well any friend who does that isn't really a friend to be honest because you tell them in confidence thinking you can trust them and then they let you know different.

    I'd say this person isnt a true friend but you may feel like you dont wana lose them or something like that in which case I'd say to just not trust them with things and only tell them what you wouldnt mind other people knowing, because you cant be sure they wouldnt tell anyone.

    hope this helps

    answer mine....;...

    please and thanks =)

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