
If you tell someone you "need" them does that make you look?

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bad, weak or needy? I know it's INTENDED to be flattering but does that mean you're lacking self confidence or self respect? Has someone ever told you that? If so, what was your response to that? Or how did it make you feel?




  1. I want my husband...

    The only thing i truly need is oxygen and food.  

  2. Depends on the circumstances.

    Everybody wants to feel needed believe it or not.

    Just be true to yourself and the person whom you need. If he/she is the right person for you, he/she will be flattered. Trust me

  3. Well needing someone in your life is a natural thing, we are a co-dependant species, but I wouldn't go expressing need for someone every waking moment, you have to be your own person, it is flattering to know you are needed/wanted, but not out of desperation.  

  4. To me, when a person says that they "need" another person it strikes me as rather dependent.  Nobody should feel that their wholeness as a person depends on the presence of another.  Sure, we all want to have someone that we love deeply in our lives and that's a good thing.  To be dependent, emotionally or otherwise, on another person is not healthy.

  5. I was with a guy who made me feel like he NEEDED me.  Before that relationship, I thought it would be cool to have someone who loved me that much.  But it's not a good feeling.  When I finally dumped him, I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off of me.  I would NEVER tell someone that I NEED them.  We should be able to stand on our own two feet and not use someone as a crutch.

  6. Depends, "Honey, I need you to hold the door open for me because I've got a lot of stuff in my hands." That's fine. "Honey, I need you. I'll die with out you in my life." dramatic emotional stuff is definitely weak, dependant and quite pathetic. It's okay if he's going through some emotional issues and needs a friend or what not (depression and such is forgivable), but if a man said that c**p to me and it wasn't in a playful way or in the above situations, I'd probably think poorly of the fellow.

  7. The only person I need is my husband.  And when he was in iraq he really needed me to be there for him.  Nothing wrong with need.  It's BS to say you don't need anyone or anything but food and water.  Needing someone you love so dearly makes you human.    

  8. it depends on who this person is to me and the circumstances at that moment.  if I love this person, i would be there.  everyone of us goes thru obstacles and need a shoulder to lean on.

  9. Depends on what it is that you need them for.  If you need them to fell that your life is full and complete, then no, it is not a bad thing nor is it bad to say if stated in that fashion.  However, if you need them to fulfill something like urinating or defecating on you, that might not be so good.

  10. No one NEEDS someone ..... it's very possible for every human being (with the exception of babies and children) on this earth to survive without another person.. I would never tell someone I need them.... I have told my husband that I need him because I love him but I don't love him because I need him ...get it?

    I think that although the intentions may be good when someone says something like 'I need you' ... it just makes them look vulnerable and needy. No one wants the burden of someone else 'needing' them. And yes I think one person saying 'I need you' or 'I can't live without' you means that they are lacking in self confidence.... and if someone ever said that to me I would tell them straight up... you can survive without me... you did it before you can do it again. I don't really think it is an appropriate thing to say... but heck.... the road to h**l is paved with good intentions.

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