
If you think Obama is not for eventually nationalizing the oil industries, what about this as proof

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Not more than 5 minutes ago he said every American should receive $1000 from the oil companies. Now what would be the means? Legislation. Legislation that uses government force to nationalize that money is unConstitutional, and he's a Constitutional attorney!

Obama is going to use his intelligence to outsmart those of us who believe in freedom.




  1. I notice that you are a "Top Contributor" in the Philosophy section, so you should be familiar with logic.  It comes as a surprise, then, that there is no logical connection between a windfall profits tax and nationalization of the oil industry, as you suggest.  Such a tax was enacted in 1980 and continued for eight years, yet there was no nationalization of the oil business.

    Also, could you explain to me how the Congress enacting a tax, which they are constitutionally allowed to do, is unconstitutional?  You can argue the merits of such a tax all you want, but you cannot logically claim it is unconstitutional, not without providing more than your simple assertion that it is.  An assertion is not an argument, and it certainly isn't evidence.    

  2. Obama is a misinformed nitwit.  Giving $1000 to everyone from oil companies makes as much sense as forcing WalMart and Microsoft to pony up $5000 of their profits.  No one seems to care about those two companies making money.  Why do we hit on oil companies?  They are in this for the money.

  3. Based on the current power of the president within the government, this is impossible.

    However, someone with Obama's base of popularity could expend much political currency without significantly reducing his "wealth" or endangering his reelection.

    In other words, Obama might be uniquely able to ennact such a plan of nationalisation and criminal socialism.

  4. If you care so much about freedom and love America so much, why not join the men and women overseas? They can use the help. Until you are willing to sacrifice for the things you hold so dear,

    Please shut the STFU

  5. This would come in the form of a tax on the record profits oil companies have been receiving. If companies like ExxonMobil and BP were just passing along higher prices thaqt they were receiving, the profit level would remain constant.

    the idea is to not make it profitable to gouge consumers.

  6. Why worry, Exxon will just take the money from us in Europe it is what they have done for years to keep your prices down.  

  7. he can't just go and do that. congress would have to allow it, and he can't make a private company pay people anything just because he feels like it.

  8. it's coming...unless we stop it

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