
If you think marijuana should be legalized...

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how do you feel about marijuana use among parents? Should parents of babies and toddlers have freedom to use marijuana while caring for their children? (This is in a world where marijuana has been legalized)




  1. no they should not when there pregnant, but if there not, then yes, they should be able to smoke weed freely...also teens :D

  2. Anyone who is dumb enough to smoke Marijiuana while pregnant will do it anyway regardless of the law....

  3. It should be regulated. . . like alcohol! There should be an age limit just like alcohol. . . It's not that bad actually, that's why it's sort of allowed in Amsterdam. It's just because it's used by the poor classes of society it has a bad name.

    check out my blog

  4. No. children could be born with defects, and they would blame their parents and the     . also the      would affect the parents ability to rationalize and subsequently could hurt the children in more ways than one (i.e. impaired judgment, carelessness, etc.)

  5. legal or not some parents are still going to use marijuana while caring for their children.

    if marijuana is used in a respectable environment it's not a hazard.

  6. I would presume that most people would employ some common sense when using it.  It really would be no different really than parents who use alcohol when caring for their children.  Also, I think if it was legalized it might lose some of the attraction.  Plus, if it was legalized it probably wouldn't be as strong as some strains are.  It would also be the choice of the parents.  I know a lot of parents smoke and have smoked tobacco around their children.  That's pretty harmful and it's legal.  

  7. Until there are cold hard facts that second hand smoke coming from marajuana does as much harm as second hand smoke coming from cigarettes, I will argue right now that parents should be free to smoke marajuana while taking care of their babies and/or toddlers.

    I don't think they should abuse marajuana to the point that they're out of their senses, but marajuana is good to just cut the edge off when you're stressed out, and I bet new parents would be friggin stressed out.

    I smoked pot during studying for exams in school, including university and it helped calm my anxiety and it actually helped me concentrate.

  8. I don't see why not. People drink while doing so, so weed wouldn't be any worse. And I'm sure a good amount of abusive parents are drunks. So I say it would be no different, if not better.


    and evryone shood smoke it I'm 15 and I do wit my frends..

    its not bad for u

  10. No.

    It should never be legalized.

    That would only cause more problems.

    Please answer mine:;...

  11. Marijuana is a deadly drug that leads to teenage fornication, dementia, anti social behaviour, and often death.

    It is the devil's weed.

  12. By parents I'm assuming you mean anyone over 18 since legalizing it for just couples with children would be ridiculous. But yes, I think marijuana should be legalized. If a parent can do their job and do it well while they're high, then I see no problem with them using marijuana. If they can't, they should be responsible enough not to indulge until their children are older or have someone else to take care of them.

    Before we can get marijuana legalized, we have to prove that we all, or at least the majority of us, can use it responsibly.  

  13. Absolutly not.....geeze why even ask a dumb question???? If you would of asked to legalize marjiuana for medical purposes only then that's a whole different situation.

  14. Not while caring for children.  Just like you shouldn't drink while caring for children.  I do think it should be made illegal, I think it's much easier to control over alcohol.  Alcohol should be illegal if anything.  Smoking marijuana is basically like taking a muscle relaxer or pain medication.  Your mind is still there and you can control your motor functions.

  15. Akin to alcohol, I don't think responsible parents should partake of a mild-altering substance when caring for the child.

  16. I think getting it legalized is the stupidest thing ever.

    That would be the governments way of saying it's okay to be a druggie and weed head.  

  17. Of course they should.  Just as they have the 'freedom' to drink a beer while caring for their child.

    I'm not saying that they SHOULD get high while taking care of their children.  I'm merely saying that the government shouldn't be involved in the decision.

    "Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither."


  19. Morally, I think it would be wrong.  I'd place it right up on the same scale as being drunk or tipsy while caring for your children.

    Legally, it should be allowed, since you are allowed to drink alcohol around children.

    I think marijuana is the "safer" alcohol.  You won't die from marijuana poisoning, and it's not as likely that you'd crash your car.  Marijuana should, however, be legalized with the same restrictions that alcohol has.

  20. The same societal norms that apply to drinking should apply to marijuana. Don't smoke and drive, don't smoke when you have responsibilities like children. What's the problem? Pot smokers actually have more self control than alcoholics. I wouldn't get stoned in front of my kids (when they were young) any more than I would get drunk.

  21. Well cigarettes are legal and a lot of parents smoke around their kids. And quite frankly I'm sure a lot of parents smoke weed around their kids even though it's legalized. It just comes down to how responsible the parents are. I don't really think a change in the law would make that much difference, and I personally think cigarette smoke is much worse for children's health than marijuana smoke.

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