
If you think stupid people talk about politics, did you know some think politics are only for smart people?

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If you think stupid people talk about politics, did you know some think politics are only for smart people?




  1. To a certain extent yes. The framer's envisioned a democratic nation with an "enlightened elctorate"- voters who were educated and well versed on the issues of the day. It is for that very reason that we have a public education system in America- to assure a basic level of education for voters.

    For instance- why the h**l should an uneducated 19 year old from Michigan that works as a mechanic, watches only trash television and dropped out of school in 9th grade have the right to vote regarding foreign policy decisions that will result in the deaths of thousands of innocent people? It makes no sense at all.

  2. Were you high when you asked this question???

  3. Decode this lyrics" You don't have to be a star"

    Look in the real world.

    If it's only for the smart.

    Then how come the row boat sinking?

    When the stupid were stupid.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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