
If you think you have a ghost in your house, how do you not be afraid of it? And how do you talk to it?

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If you think you have a ghost in your house, how do you not be afraid of it? And how do you talk to it?




  1. There is no reason to be afraid because ghosts are a figment of our imaginations.  

  2. So you say you have a ghost.  One could take a cynical view of course but lets discuss ghost.  There seems to be many forms of beings that are energy in the paranormal world and ghost being one of them.  I know many debunk ghost and things like that but even in science there is the possiblity of beings of energy.  Our understanding of the universe is still small so lets assume your ghost is real.  Is it a bad or a good spirit?  Was it there allways or did it recently arrive?  Can this be a poltergiest that you somehow created?

    It would seem beings of the paranormal are as varied as people them selfs.  First I would try and get past my fear and talk to the ghost just as you would talk to another person.  Tell it to not scare you and leave you in peace.  It should abide by your request and leave you be.  But if it does not then it probably has bad intentions.  Then you should picture in your mind you draining it's energy and send that energy back into the cosmos as purified energy.  See the ghost husk fall to the ground and dissipate into nothingness.  

    Some may call this method different but if you think about it should work weather its a figment of your mind or a real ghost.  You are either becoming at peace with a friendly spirit or destroying a bad spirit.  Even if it is a figment of your mind this should still work because you are coming to grips with what ever is going on in your head to a degree.  If it don't work continue to do it until the bad spirit leaves. It should leave eventually.  

  3. it depends on what kind are they...i believe in ghosts ...if there's one in your house hope its a good one like a guardian

  4. I don't think there is a way of suddenly not being affraid of it. You're either affraid of it or you aren't.  

  5. LOL, I read the response with the "great logic" but didn't find any. I didn't find anything to hate there either, just the usual ghost hunter conjectures.

    To answer your question, fear tends to be generated by our anxiety of the unknown. You believe there is a ghost, you don't know why it is there or what it wants or what it can do, so you end up fearing it. So to assuage your fear, build your knowledge of ghosts. This means not only learning what others say about them, but deciding for yourself whether the many conflicting beliefs about ghosts you'll hear from people are believable at all. In fact, the first thing you should do is think about why you believe you have a ghost in your house. Are there any other natural explanations? Is your mind playing tricks on you? Power of suggestion?

    Secondly, talking to a ghost again is something that you'll only find loads of conflicting opinions on from other ghost hunters. Use Ouija board, don't use Ouija board, use EVP, don't use EVP, record your EVP this way or that way, etc. In fact, there isn't any known way that works for talking to a ghost, probably because ghosts/spirits don't exist, or if they do, there is no way to tell.

    My advice is to be bold, explore, ask tough questions of others and of yourself. You'll be fine.

  6. Here's some great logic that I'm sure the skeptics will hate.

    1) If you have ghosts, then the ghosts have been there a long time. People don't generally get hurt by them, as opposed to the movies where ghosts cause all the problems.

    2) Since ghosts aren't usually very adamant about being seen, it's a good bet that they might be freaked out as much by you as you are by them.

    3) If you see a ghost, expect to be startled and nervous (it is, after all, a new experience), but you shouldn't have much to worry about.

    In general, stop being afraid of ghosts by not accepting what the movies say about them. Stop watching ghost movies.

    In 15 years of paranormal investigation, I've found that if you talk out loud to where a ghost is, they'll hear you. Some people claim telepathic connections, but I've seen direct evidence on this one time, ever, and it wasn't repeated (so I can't either validate or debunk it).

    In general, I've learned that if you can hear them, they can hear you. I've used EVP to have an interactive conversation before, for example, though I didn't really ask the questions I should have in order to validate anything (I was shocked it was two-way communication).

    Ghosts almost never hurt people, and certainly have an interest in not being bothered. Most people who are hurt by ghosts get "slapped" or "zapped" (according to descriptions) as the result of directly provoking them with aggressive behavior and harsh language. Be respectful, and even the most dangerous ghost won't touch you.

    EDIT: Oh, and... no, don't waste your money on a Ouija board or any other kind of spirit board. Ideomotor response is not something you want to hand over to a complete stranger.

  7. i dont afraid because i dont see them

  8. if you want to talk to it buy a ouiji ( i think thats how it's said pronounced wiji) board

  9. Millions of people will die today.Millions more will be attacked and injured.Not one of them will be killed or injured by a ghost.In fact there are no verified recorded instances anywhere of a person hurt or killed by a ghost.If they are real,and thats a big if.They are not dangerous,kind of like spectral garter snakes.

    Talking to them may be a problem.It can make you look awful silly.

  10. Try this little spell to honour your house spirits.

    When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense,

    candles or what not you can say this little chant:

    "Wraith of the house, Take heart and live,

    To every chamber This light I give,

    To every corner This breath I send

    Approve and favor my willing hand."

    Ghosts love a little poem and I reckon that they will go crazy for that one.

  11. If you are just creeped out it's no big deal.  If you are so frightened that you are never comfortable in the house you need to get some help with it.  I have been in some creepy places but the ones that make you panic are really hard to deal with.  I think it depends on the type of spirit it is.   I lived in a haunted house for years and it didn't bother me at all.  My sister on the other hand had a bad type of haunting that actually made you afraid to go inside the house.  It was horrible and I hope I never feel anything like that again.

    To talk to them you just talk like you are talking to anyone else.   They can hear us.  

  12. Go to the chinese temple and seek help from the masters.

    Basically, you cannot talk to ghost. But you can offer it food by putting food on a table for awhile. If you are really scared, just call a exorcist.

    I can definately say the ghost in your house is a good ghost, if not, you may be freaked out or something had already happened to you and you cannot be here asking a question.

  13. First off there is no way for any human to talk or communicate with the dead... It has never been possible nor will it ever become possible... As for being afraid that is the smart way to be because they could be demons in disguised... And it make a lot of sense to be afraid of any demonic forces... And I need you to always be Careful what you say around them.... Never give them the excuse to attack anyone or even you...................................

  14. What has lead you to believe your house is haunted?

    The majority of the time there are always plausible explanations behind the hauntings.

    Some times there aren't.

    But for us to help you, you need to explain some of the occurances that are happening.

    If you plan on speaking to it, let it know that you are human and that it's the 21St century and the present year is 2008.

    Then ask if it would like to communicate with you.

    That's when you break out your voice recording device and tape the session.

  15. close your eyes and think of it like another human being. It has no physical body, but everything else is the same. They have emotions, feelings. How do you talk to it. Just talk. Then listen with the heart.


  16. The old lady that died in my house comes back every-so-often.  We just talk to her, after a while she leaves.  They don't normally want to cause you any trouble, they just are trapped in your space.  JUST TALK TO THEM.   It will help you if not them.

  17. Well if you dont want to be afriad then dont be. And all you have to do is call the ghost and if you dont know the name maybe it will still know you are talking to it.. just talk.

  18. Well it depends if there is an intelligent ghost or a residual haunting.

    A residual haunting is a playback of a past event.  The apparitions involved are not spirits, they are "recordings" of the event. This type of event is not dangerous at all, you need not fear it. It is no more aware of you than a character on your television.

    An intelligent haunting is a spirit, basically read what Red Heron wrote. At any point where you feel frightened, say it aloud.  

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