
If you throw everyday from a distance of 60 feet, will your throwing arm get stronger????

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coaches say if you play long toss 5 times a week it will make your arm stronger, whta if you throw everyday just from a distance of 60 feet?? an MLB pitching distance??




  1. im a pitcher my self and follow these tips and youll be fine

    1. pitch every 5 days to your dad, a friend or any one else that is willing to catch you.

    2. take up swimming. it sounds wierd but works swimming increase your leg and arm strength which results in you adding a few mph on your fastball

    3. remember when pitching try to rock back and put some wieght on your hind leg when you thrust foward to throw your pitch the ball will come in faster

    4.try experimenting with different grips on the ball you can get alot of natural movement that way

    follow these steps  and you will be able to be a good pitcher in no time i won my leagues mvp because of mypitching and i followed these tips

  2. Yes it will, if you play catch everyday your arm will get stronger. But you should throw from different distances to shock your muscles.

  3. long toss on a line, don't just chuck it on a rainbow. because when u get to that 60 feet its going to fly out. u need long toss

  4. 90 feet is better because you'll extend your range and then throwing from 60 feet will seem easier because your arm will be stronger.  

  5. long toss aint help and if your a pitcher then its more important to have strong legs and clean mechanics. Arm strong is important mostly for outfielders and infielders and if you wanna gain arm strength then I suggest light weights and good feet movement.

  6. your speed comes from snap of the wrist

    throw with wrist weights

  7. from home plate to first base is a simple throw for anyone, you don't strengthen your arm up from throwing there everyday, maybe for warm up is good, but long toss allows your throwing motion to stretch out and makes the 90ft seem like a breeze. if you really want to strengthen your arm after a good warm up and log toss, make standing throws from were the grass and dirt met behind second base to home. make 10 to 15 of these throws hard and accurate, and you will see an increase in velocity and throwing power in no time. good luck!

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