
If you took 2 different races, how many of their genes would they NOT share the same allele?

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There are around 20000-25000 genes in the human genome. But I am pretty sure for most of these, humans share the same allele. How much of the genes do they NOT share the same allele. Some examples are eye color, hair color, and etc.




  1. Here are some observed heterozygosity data for Homo sapiens (based on autosomal microsatellite research).

    Humans [18]: 0.776

    Humans [19]: 0.70-0.76

    Humans [20]: 0.588-0.807

    To get a more holistic picture, see the information under "How genetically diverse are humans?" and related questions at the Race FAQ in my sources.

    To interpret HO values, go to the NBII site.

  2. human "races" aren't really even races in the scientific sense.  its more like a Venn diagram.  there could be a black person and a white person that share more genes than that same white person and another white person.  in other words, a white person can be closer related to a black person than another white person. and in fact, that is very common.  since there is so much overlap, the "races" aren't actually defined scientifically as races.

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