
If you took 25 shots, would you get alcohol poisioning, and you were 15 years old?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to know if my friend was lying when he said he took 25 shots of vodka, and did not get sick, and then was able to play in a baseball game the next day.




  1. I would say you could be dead!!

  2. is this a riddle?  If he didn't take them all at the same time it is possible.  Say he had 2 shots when he was 13, 10 shots when he was 14, 13 shots when he was 15, and after the 15th shot he went to play baseball, it works.  But to sit one night and do 25 shots of vodka then play ball the next morning unaffected, probably not.  Although vodka is clear and being 15 means he probably didn't buy the bottle, some one else could have used half the bottle refilling with water.

  3. If they were proper shots yeah he's lying.

    question him on knowing what a shot is first lol.

    but of course, he's lying. its not possible, especially at the lightweight age of 15.

  4. tell that ***** to stop lying or ur gonna kick him in the balls

  5. Yeahhhh, he's lying.

  6. totally lying...the typical shot is 1 to 1.5 ounces.  Let's say 1 ounce for argument's sake.  That would mean 25 ounces of vodka which is 739 1/3 milliliters.  The average bottle of vodka is 750 milliliters which means he essentially drank a whole bottle of way it happened the way he said.

  7. bullshit

  8. I would say he was lying, considering I was just reading about a guy in Tampa who died after drinking 23 shots of crown.

  9. I've seen crazier sh*t happen personally.  My best friend who is absolutely a feather weight once drank a good 3/4 of a bottle of vanilla vodka (which I witnessed) while under the influence of cocaine.  He got sick as h**l no doubt but he never got to an "oh sh*t this is bad" kind of state, he remained rather coherent the whole time.  Then again I was young and particularly stupid at that point in time.  

    The only reason I would call BS on this is that fat kids and coke users don't tend to play baseball and generally speaking only a particularly hefty individual could handle that much booze without getting their stomach pumped.  Even then though you're talking about one unhappy butter titan after 25 shots...

    People do like to talk though, he certainly could be straight up full of c**p.

  10. 25 shots of water maybe!lol

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