
If you took communications for radio/news anchor can you please tell me how did you like it?

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If you took communications for radio/news anchor can you please tell me how did you like it?




  1. I took Communications with emphasis on Radio, TV, and Film.

    For me it was the perfect major.... There was no required math classes!!! Most other majors require you to take at least one or two math classes... I am terrible at math so this major fit me like a glove.

    A lot of of the classes were rather easy... With classes like Appreciation of film, Appreciation of TV/Radio, how could  you go wrong!  Other students were all bogged down with hard work, I got to watch TV, and Movies, and listen to the radio for homework!

    If you have any other radio questions, you can feel free to shoot me an email any time.

    Good luck, and take care,


    I loved my "College Years"

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