
If you took your preschooler into a garden, what is one thing he/she would definitely notice?

by Guest11083  |  earlier

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If you took your preschooler into a garden, what is one thing he/she would definitely notice?




  1. Hello!

    Most definitely ants and slaters.

    We watch the ants pulling along pieces of food which far outweigh them,the struggles they have and their little counterparts coming along to help them or giving little messages and going on their way.

    Looking at this world from the eyes of a toddler is probably as close as God watching us struggle and grow through life.

    Slaters rolling up in little balls to protect themselves from harm when they feel it is all clear they unroll and go on their way .

    Snails asleep in their shell when he is picked up he will slowly come out to take a look at what is happening to his world .

    To see from the eyes of a child is awe inspiring.

    Watching a bud grow and unfold into a beautiful flower is another thing of inspiration .

    So many things in the garden.

    I thought the little grandaughter had been throwing the rocks out of the bird bath onto the ground until one morning we were having a cuppa waiting for the  birds to come for their early morning drink and the crows showed up .

    We soon saw who was doing the rock throwing.

    So much beauty and so may things to do in the garden.

    Take care!

  2. grass, flowers, bugs

  3. bugs

  4. the flowers and the bugs (on the flowers, in the dirt etc), the dirt, they'd want to dig in it. And if the garden had food, they'd notice their favorite foods...and of course they would have a million questions about all of it.

    I say they b/c I have a set of 4 year old twin daughters who will be starting preschool this year.

  5. She would notice the beautiful flowers and the different colors. She loves lady bugs, so I am sure she would hunt some down. (LOL)

  6. flowers

  7. the bright colors.

    like flowers

  8. The bugs.  Then you would have to stop the preschoolers from eating them.

  9. Flowers and their colors if any. Dirt to dig in and make holes to plant flowers and plants. Bugs if any. Think baout picking the vegetables.

  10. I'd say the playground, if there is one.

    Perhaps squirrels...if there are some.

    It all depends on the location. Garden...if it's your own backyard, first thing the toddler may notice could be whatever insects flying around (if this is summer)....and flowers (if it is spring)

  11. The fruits and vegetables, and probably will want to pick them!

    Also herb gardens are great...they can take the leaves (or stems or flowers) and squish them and crush them in their fingers and smell the herb extracts or oils(great sensory and fine motor activity as well)

  12. waterfall, ponds, bugs, fruit.

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