
If you trust in evolution...?

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What would it take to prove you wrong? What evidence would you have to see in order to change your mind? We all have the same facts; it's just a matter of how we interpret them. Everyone has the same facts. If you trust that we started as cosmic goo and eventually morphed into what we are now, what facts do you need to change your mind? What scenario can you imagine that will make you see interpret your facts differently?




  1. You seem to be assuming that people who understand evolution are "believers" in the same sense religious people are. We're not, we simply heed the scientific data presented to us and comprehend what it is telling us. The data available - and there's one h**l of a lot of it - tells us that evolution is a fact. Anything disproving evolution would require a literal mountain of evidence, simply because the evidence for evolution is so strong. This is how science works.

  2. Evolution has nothing whatsoever, at all, to do with the origin of life. you fail, back to 5th grade science class for you.

  3. Unless a UFO land here, and told us how we have been commonly created by a god, then I will continue to support evolution as the best theory around... This take into acccount what we know of neoDarwinism and even over this...

  4. What I need to SEE in order to sway me from my belief that man has evolved from lesser forms of life is GOD itself. I want it to land the UFO it's on and perform miracles and I want to see that too. Evolution is more plausible to me than man being "blinked" into existence, simple as that.

  5. The claim that creationism is a scientifically-based theory with evidence supported in natural studies is a misnomer in anthropology.  I fail to see how anyone can study anthropology, which is the study of the evolution of man and culture, and claim to be a creationist.

  6. The problem with the question is the underlying assumption that we would learn that the Biblical explanation is "true".  But then it wouldn't be religion any more - it would be science.  

    So, I suppose if some being or entity could demonstrate how creation occurred, by replicating the process, that would certainly be something to consider.  But that would be part of the scientific method, wouldn't it?

  7. It woud quite comfortably take the following to prove evolution wrong:

    Also, we certainly DON'T "all have the same facts"...


    A prime reason is because D Towers, over his recent 9 year research, in his work, ‘TWO BIRDS ... ONE STONE!!', discovered, unequivocally, that Man and the snake are precise opposites of one another! ... in ALL aspects - both anatomically and behaviorally!

    That is eerie!!!

    But once we have recovered from the shock of such a discovery, we immediately realize that only a Master mind could have engineered such, and that random mutation certainly wasn't 'random", if at all!!

    The other gravital realization that strikes is that it overwhelmingly supports the Biblical Adam and Eve, wherein it was the snake [serpent] who tempted Eve to oppose God, and set up "opposition in all things' in the first place!

    Those who religiously 'hail' 'Biological Evolution of the Species' as some genuine, realistic, form of life source explanation:



    Two Birds ... One Stone!!

    by Denis Towers


  8. we dont all have the same facts.  few people on either side are actually knowledgeable enough to even have a clue as to what they are talking about.  Anyone with any background in biology can see that evolution makes perfect sense, so there really is no debate to the informed mind

  9. Well, if I was going to believe in creationism, then I would have to believe in intelligent design.

    Since the North Pole doesn't look like this:

    As it would if intelligent design was indeed a true theory and actually applied to all things present in the real world and not just humans.

    Well then, I guess that evolution, is once again left as the only contending theory given the empiricle evidence that has so far presented itself when actually using science.

  10. Well, a good start would be some hard evidence that Young Earth Creationism or some other alternate model was true. Say, geologic evidence of the Great Flood.

  11. It would take the divine being (Goddess, Gods, God, something along those lines), telling me that we were created, and did not just crawl from the much and evolve.

  12. Evolution is a work of God. Most Religions are wrong saying god created everything instantly and that humans such as jesus moses and david are more "holy" than others. God created the Universe which is filled with much more life than just earth. I mean god wouldn't just create a cosmos without future because without future, their would be no life and without life their would be no death to meet god in heaven from there on is only therory

  13. Just pray for that person. You can't do much with a rigid heart. He or she will always have the answers to everything but it does not mean the answers hold the meaning to life.

  14. I do not " trust " in evolution, but have been convinced by the evidence. No, everyone has differing opinions; the facts speak for themselves. Your baseless assertions would not change a fourth graders mind.

  15. I actually, evolution is no longer a theory, you know. It's been proven over and pver again. Scientists may differ on a few points, and they may not know all the links, but evolution is a fact, you know.

    I'm an atheist. But, true, it doesn't prove that God doesn't exist. It just proves that creationism is a lie, and that the Bible, at best, can only be taken figuratively.

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