
If you turn the car on but dont drive does it waiste gas?

by  |  earlier

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  1. If the engine is running it is consuming gas.  Whether it is a waste of gas depends on if you are accomplishing something worthwhile.

  2. if you trun the key slightly to where your radio comes on and your fan blows but engine is not on it will drain the battery but not waste gas. however  if you turn the key when the engine comes on then you will run on gas-

  3. YES. A lot of drivers still believe in warming up cars, but it is not necessary if you just drive it gently for the first few miles.

    THEN, you MAY realize that driving gently gets you there just as quickly and saves wear and tear.

    (this concept is known as becoming mature)

  4. If you ask a dumb question on Yahoo Answers, but isnt worth truly answering, does it waste your points?

  5. Um of course, how else would it stay running?

  6. Yes it does waste gas,if it's running then of course it will need gas to keep running.Think of a generator,it takes gas to make it run.

  7. Yes it does now wasting gas I'm not really sure what you consider wasting gas but it still consumes gas the engine doesn't run for free.

  8. What do you think is running the engine?

    Little green men, pedalling like fury?

    Of course you are wasting gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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