
If you turn the central thermostat down by 1 degree centigrade what would be your annual cost saving?

by Guest66566  |  earlier

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If you turn the central thermostat down by 1 degree centigrade what would be your annual cost saving?




  1. Your question is too vague to give a numerical answer to.

    It depends on how large a house you are trying to heat, the insulation properties of that house and what temperature your thermostat is currently set to ,(as it is possible that the heating will not come on at all in some circumstances) the type of heating in your house and what rate you are being charged per kilo watt of electricity etc.

  2. Well the Consumer Energy Center in California states that if you can save 1 - 3 percent per degree, for each degree the thermostat is set above 72 degrees.

    Now that's not all if you change your filter on a monthly basis you can also save 1 - 2 percent of the cost to run your air conditioner.

    If you replace an old air conditoning unit with a  ENERGY STAR® air conditioner you can save up to 10 percent of what it use to cost to run your old AC.

  3. There's almost no saving at all remember 1 degree celcius is just a small amount of temperature change and you might save about 1-1.5% when you are using airconditioning

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