
If you understand s*x but your under 18 is it ok to watch p**n?

by  |  earlier

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If you understand why they make p**n and you watch it for pleasure why should it be a problem for people under 18? It's all part of life and the erotic part of p**n is just for pleasure. If you understand that in some p**n they do weird or bad things and you have the right judgment why should it be restricted? Basically, is it ok for someone younger than 18 but has the maturity to watch p**n?




  1. NO!  No one under 18 is mature enough to watch p**n.  I don't care who you are.  Honestly I don't think anyone under the age of 21 is mature enough, at least I've never met any.  Anyone exposed to p**n at a young age could have seriously mixed up views about s*x.  Especially if they think thats how everyone does it :)

  2. No one under the age of 18 understand what "s*x" is. Secondly, p**n has nothing to do with a healthy attitude and understanding of what "s*x" is. In fact, p**n is the exact opposite of s*x.

    Saying that by watching p**n you learn more about s*x, is like saying playing the RockBand game will teach you how to play the drums or guitar. It doesn't.

    Do yourself a favor and stay away from it. It will only cause you problems later in life when you are trying to form a normal, healthy and satisfying relationship.

    The downside of p**n is not just addiction--it is also divorce, incarceration, sexual dysfunction, and even death.

    p**n = Poison

  3. I don't really think it's ok for anyone to watch p**n. Sure I've watched it but it will rot your mind. You'll begin to see s*x differently if you watch it all the time. I know society doesn't feel that way and they somewhat push it....but be smart don't start.

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