
If you use public trasportation...?

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Hey! I appreciate any responses from people who use urban public transportation. Please answer the questions using this key:

A: Strongly Agree

B: Agree

C: No opinion; neutral

D: Disagree

E: Strongly Disagree

1. The overall cleanliness of public transporation should be improved.

2. The overall efficiency of public transporation should be improved.

3. Clearer and simpler schedules of routes and destinations should be available.

4. Public transportation should be more accesible for handicapped travellers.

5. Public transportation should be promoted among "beginners", or people who don't usually use it.

6. Public transportation does not receive as much dedication in maintenance and upkeep as it should.




  1. I answer from the standpoint of a public transport professional in the UK. I accept the answers may not be applicable elsewhere; nevertheless ....

    1. Buses and trains are cleaned inside at least once daily. The larger operators strive to wash the exterior surfaces daily, although this is becoming increasingly difficult to to local restrictions on the use of water and chemicals.

    The reason that the insides become dirty is because of the habits of the animals we carry each day; oh, sorry, passengers!

    You want to watch some of the passengers on buses and trains - if they behaved like that at home, they must live in a rubbish tip.

    2. Since virtually all public transportation in the UK is in private ownership, absolute efficency is always an aim.

    3.  Whereas I agree, the industry is getting better. The problem is that, unlike a supermarket, we are not selling a simple product. A given departure will serve a multitude of stops, the time to reach each may vary by time of day. Add to that the potential of more than one route serving a given destination and you will appreciate that you a dealing with a multi-dimensional matrix. The marketing guru who solves this conundrum for all potential users will make a fortune overnight.

    4.  Under the Disability Discrimination Act, the disabled will have full access to public transport by 2015.

    If the Government was willing to pay operators to scrap [otherwise good] vehicles in advance of the end of their economic life, then this date could be brought forward. The Government have declined to do so.

    5.  Good idea. Do you not think that the industry has tried this with various promotions and reduced fares for the under-18s, the young unemployed, car-users and University Students?  What more can we do?


    The regulatory bodies for road passenger transport are the Traffic Commissioner and VOSA.  

    VOSA can inspect any vehicle without notice and prevent it being used until it has been presented (effectively) for a repeat MOT test. (Cars are not subject to such inspections!) VOSA can enter a depot at any time, and, if necessary, prevent every vehicle being used until each is presented for such a test - that effectively puts you out of business. Buses have to be inspected every three weeks (more frequently for high-mileage vehicles) both for repair maintenance, but also for preventative maintenance measures. VOSA can demand to see your maintenance records for up to the previous five years for EACH vehicle and if you cannot demonstrate regular preventative maintenance, you can lose your Operators Licence AND the manager be prohibited from running a company. (A recent case in Aberdeen did you that. The owner was prohibited from operating for 5 years, the Operators Licence was revoked and the local bus services that were operated were cancelled!)

    Rail Services are franchised and there are financial penalties for deviation from the standards set in the franchise. Indeed First ScotRail was recently fined a six-figure sum for their shortcomings.

  2. 1. answer---A.   You can clean buses and trolleys all day long and they will be still dirty.

    2. answer---B.  But there is all kinds of rules and regulations that public transportation must follow to receive money that's why it's the way it is.

    3. answer---D.  It all depends on how big the transit agency is.

    4. answer--D.  The Federal Government regulates accessibility for the handicapped

    5.answer---D.  Most transit agencies in  city's offer special rates to school students.  Also why spend money on advertising when the money is needed elsewhere.

    6. answer---D.  Transit agencies receive more money for upkeep than it knows what to do with.  It's operating funding that transit company's need.

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