
If you use solar panel roofs during the day, what happens at night?

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Solar panels should be working in the day, so what happens at night?




  1. Nothing, no electricity is generated.

    Also on rainy days, nothing.  You need direct sunlight for them to work.

    That is why solar-powered stuff needs batteries to smooth out the power gaps.

  2. If they produce more electricity than you use it can be put back in to the grid and runs you meter backward then  at night you use back what you have put back in the grid or you can store in batteries and use battery power at night

  3. The light captured in the day is saved throughout the system and they have back-up batteries for emergency use. If it rains, it uses some of the battery if any solar power is used to power a building.

  4. The batteries slowly drain electric current back into the solar panels. The solar panels radiate light. The radiated light reflects off the moon, providing much needed illumination at night.

    Did you know the moon is made of 'Green' cheese? That's why solar panels are said to provide 'Green' energy.

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