
If you used to feel & hear from spirits...and don't anymore...why would it stop?

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Can you think of things that would cause you not to hear from them anymore? (I think this lets out mental illness..because if you were schizophrenic etc...I'd think you would still be thinking you hear from them.)




  1. They were alive and now they just wanna say hello and maybe give you advice and there looking for a friend. There all great none evil.

  2. Your probably not channeling them if you are a sensitive to this they are still there

  3. It means the meds are working.  Keep taking them.

  4. i have never heard spirits but i have seen higher selves.. i stopped soon after i started seeing them.. i think i stopped coz i was terrified.. i believe god realised i was scared and decided to postpone is as i was not ready.

    however, my intuition is much much stronger and i am starting to get the experiences where it like someone is teling me a story..and it was true.. i cant explain it..

  5. i dont know how to answer that question but to give you a thing or two to check into  

    go on to youtube and search for these:

    Winged 15 -Portal - One Dimension for ALL

    Winged 2 -Portal


    hope these help, must decide for yourself

    please watch and read, thank you

  6. One of the strongest possibilities is that ones abilities could have "shut down" so to speak.

    Another possibility could be that they may have just moved on or away.

  7. Well, from experience I know that the things you go through (won't say it here, cause it's private but you know what I mean) obviously run over you quite a bit. The fear can make you put up walls. I get the sense it's just something you blocked out. When you deal with your past, I get the sense everything will back to the way it was. And forgive me for saying that, I've found this newfound thing called self trust...I don't know where this stuff comes from, except that maybe it's coming from a guide or an angel, so... lol

    But I also know that for me, at this moment, I hear nobody but my own fear voices. I'm releasing things, things I have to deal with, it's part of the ascension process, and whenever I do, the fear comes up for me to deal with and everything else gets shut down except for my most basic sense, which is my empathy, and even that's shut down today. I can't tell if I do it or if my guides do it as a way to help me cope better or even so that all I have to deal with is the stuff I need to deal with. When I deal with it, I'll release it and be back to normal but until then, I'm blocked up tight.

    Hope that helps. :)

    Oh... regarding schizophrenia... it's more than just hearing voices. a lot more. I can't really tell you how I know because the story isn't mine to tell, but let's just say I know someone. Also, the voices I hear, my "fear" voices, that come up with the PTSD.... I actually went to a psychiatrist for meds because they were driving me nuts. And then HE told ME that he's almost positve I'm NOT schizo. I got the sense from him, and from the person I know, that there are other signs just than hearing abusive voices. So even hearing voices, spirit or not, doesn't automatically make you a schizo. I know this from experience.

  8. I believe that you can shut yourself down. that is why children are much more receptive than adults.

  9. I used to hear the future from an "imaginary" friend. I could see people and know what they were doing and what they were planning to do. My parents told me not to talk or listen to the "imaginary" entities that I was talking to almost constantly, more or less, beat them out of me. I began to lose the spiritual world because the physical world hurts when people beat you.The spiritual world is reaching out all the time and being suppressed by the physical world. If one is told enough times that they are not sane or really seeing or hearing the "spirits" they start to believe it then make adjustments. Yet the very people that tell them these things are not real go believing there is an invisible man that watches everything we all do 24/7/365.

    Then they say there is no other life in the universe...there are more galaxies than grains of sand on Earth. Then there is massive amounts of planets that we cannot see orbiting the stars. What is that? Untold numbers of chances of other life is in the universe. And we are in a plane of existence that we see only a minute amount of what is there. Our senses are tuned to a certain field or range. We now have many techniques to see beyond what we are aware of. Radio-telescopes, infared ability, night scopes and many other visual aids are revealing to us more of what is out there

    Our brains have an area called the Wernike area that controls speech mainly. The opposing side of the brain has the same area and it is not functional in "normal" people.Schizophrenics have activity in this area and hear voices and we condemn them as insane. During brain sugery, anesthesia is not used to render the patient unconscience and when the scull is opened and electrical currents are applied to that area of the brain, the patients almost invariable hear voices. There is a book called: "The Origin of Conscienceness through the Breakdown of the Bi-cameral Mind". This book gives a theory about this where people were, in the beginning before language, able to "hear" something in the use of that side of the brain and were the kings and leaders of their tribes. They had the ablility to communicate with what I think are spirits that told them when to plant or where to search for food and water.

    Today we institutionalize the people that hear voices. When Europeans invaded South America and found the Aztecs and others they took them over. How can 660 people kill 2 million people and take over their customs and religions? The Europeans had lost the ability to use the side of the brain that "hears" and when they decided to kill all the Aztecs they killed the leader first. The tribe had no "voice" to tell them what to do anymore and did not resist the force of the Conquistadores. They did not know what to do. They felt these were gods and when they were being killed they were all being sacrificed as a ritual of the gods. Therefore no resistence was rendered. The whole Aztec culture all but dissappeared from the world and we are now finding some of their artifacts that show they were in touch with spirits that we now think are just ancient rituals and so forth. I believe that is more than ancient rituals. These spirits are still here, the Spanish could not kill spirits.

    Today society has standardized the spirits to follow only certain doctrines of religious ideals and there is a great deal of confusion over what spirits we should follow. People are vehement about their personal "God" and have been known to kill those that do not follow suit as demonstrated above with the Aztecs.

    We should not be so determined that voices are not real. They are very real. Our shutting them out is not what we should do. We may all have personal spirits and do not get the chance to communicate with them because of the ridicule they provoke when we reveal them to others. When a child hears voices and communicates that to their parents the parents should listen instead of get angry and hurt the mind of the kid and tell them they are not hearing anything real. We would not have any religion with people hearing something.. So now,,,whose choice is it to choose which voices are real? That is the real question isn't it? Open your mind to the voices. I have done it in my dreams of late. I was desperatly trying to "hear" once again and think now that trying too hard actually shuts down the communication process. Dreaming is a relaxed state where there is no invasion of the real world ideals. When the yogi meditate they may be in the relaxed state where spirits relax their souls and communication is acheived. Others in different South American cultures and in ancient Hopi and other tribes used psychotrophic plants to reveal spirit worlds. It seems that the European and American standard of alcohol spirits have taken over the way one can communicate with the gods. Is that why they call alcohol: Spirituous Liquor? I would rather go for the more peaceful spirits...Please...but alas i am not into any of them anymore. No alcohol or drugs....But think about tobacco and its origins in tribal customs...Once a month Native Americans of certain tribes would sit in circles with a long pipe and cram in dry tobacco flowers then drop a coal of oak or hicory in and inhale deeply for as long as they could holding in the smoke till they went into the spirit world. They would pass out and upon awakening tell of their journey through the spirit world. ONCE A MONTH not daily with tobacco leaves but the flowering tops that are cut off and discarded because of their stunting the growth of the leaf. That is profit oriented mindset. If a person was to do what tobacco was used for in the beginning...they would be arrested I am sure.LOL

    So my answer after long last is: Society stands in the way of spiritual communication.

  10. In my culture they believe that the children could see and hear things from the spirits. This could be explained as sometimes you see or hear the children talking or staring into the air. As the children grow up, they lose this special sense. Hope it helps

    americanfreeman is hilarious, btw

  11. because the frequency around you has an energy grid...when sometimes we are in alot of stress, or our life in turmoil, our energy changes,and when our energy peeks higher it makes us more aware of our spiritual surroundings...when then things change, and slow down a bit, we can lose that higher know like in raising our frequency......when my energy is up high, i can feel all sorts of energy from far and wide......

  12. It just means there are none around you, or you subconsciously stopped listening.

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