
If you wach Shepherds chapple than can you answer this?

by Guest67043  |  earlier

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in the end times many are decived, in this many are unknowingly lining up on the streets to meet up with the instead of Chirst . do you think that those Satan turns to God will mostlikly be taken off the earth to die before Satan arives tho so they will not have the chance to comit the sin of blasomy of the holly spirit?




  1. Arnold Murray is a false teacher:

    His views on Revelation are false.

    If you want a true study of Revelation, here's a website that teaches the meaning of every verse of every Book of the Bible:

    Scroll down to the link for Revelation, and read  :)

  2. Keep on watching and you will be right along with the host, a lost soul.

  3. I've watched that show, and Arnold Murray says that the Antichrist brings all the believers in front of a tribunal, where God offers them the chance to be possessed by the Holy Spirit, and if they refuse that's the unforgivable sin. He also teaches that the mark of the beast isn't a chip or tattoo, but just agreeing to go along with Satan.

  4. I don't quite understand your question but in the end the truth will come out and all people that thump their bibles will cower in fear and realize that they are damned when our true creator god is finally given his rightful place as king.

  5. I am not saying this to insult you or offend you in any way!  Your spelling and grammar are so terrible that if anyone can understand what you are trying to say they won't have enough respect for your intelligence to agree with you. There might be reasons for your poor writing skills that are not your fault. Many people will decide that you are not very smart. They won't even take time to get to know you. I suggest you get some basic books about English grammar. If you have a dictionary, look up words you know and make sure you spell them correctly! Good luck! It's hard work, but you will be happy when communicating is easier for you.

  6. Let me answer it in a short and sweet form: Whaaaat???

  7. I watch S.C. and I disagree with Pastor Murray on his non-belief of the Rapture.  Also with the mark of the beast.    

  8. Arnold Murray is a dangerous person.

    He makes claims for himself (for instance, he claims to have a doctorate degree), but refuses to provide any credentials.

    He has twisted the Bible out of all proportion.

    If you listen to this false prophet, you can only be an evil kenite....

  9. Cannot comprehend. Grammar unknowable.

    I've never blasomied; what is that? And how, exactly, does Satan turn people to God? I thought he was the bad guy?

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