
If you wake up, then get up only to be unusually dizzy, with your balance affected, then what could it be?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I've had this, it sounds like vertigo, associated with Anaemia, I'd go and have a blood test at your GP

  2. Blood pressure or ear infection are the most likely cause.

    Balance is controlled by the ears.

  3. could be labyrinthitis i have it and i am diabetic but am unsure if the two are connected.

  4. maybe you have an ear or an eye problem... consult a specialist... or maybe its just a hang-over...

  5. Don't worry - it happens to everyone. When you get up suddenly, or sometimes not even quickly at all, your body has to pump harder to get the blood to your head, because it's suddenly further above the heart. When you get dizzy, it's just because your body hasn't adjusted yet. Hope that helps.

  6. Check this website: (not spam)

    Are you diabetic?

    Dizziness is usually associated with diabetes, is there a history of diabetes in your family?

    "Many attacks of dizziness are caused by momentary, harmless drops in blood pressure, leading to a transient reduction in the blood supply to the brain. This typically happens when getting up suddenly from a sitting or lying position and is known as postural or orthostatic hypotension. "

    Instead of me copying out the whole website, check this site too, it gives you a list of things it could be:

    If it happens frequently (4+ days a week) I recommend you go to your doctors.  

  7. Are you still drunk from the previous evening's festivites?!

    I get that all the time...just get some more sleep or eat something ;  )

  8. Could be any number of things. Maybe low blood pressure or maybe an inner ear infection. Need more information to answer your question.

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