
If you wakeup one fine morning and realise you are the last human in this planet how would you react?

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If you wakeup one fine morning and realise you are the last human in this planet how would you react?




  1. I'd probably sit and cry.

  2. I'd have to confirm that information (It is near impossible that I would be the only person, there should be others) and the cause (Is it a danger to me). While I were doing that, I'd begin gathering resources I would need to be able to survive long term without others, books on gardening, canned or preserved foods, create a system of gathering water, hunting rifle (I assume animals remain) etc.

  3. I'm with Jelly.  I'd probably just sit and cry.

  4. i would be so happy i hate having other people around i like being alone, a first i would probaly drive around the country fishing

  5. yes, it is a fantastic affairs.  i thank God making me very free from the hindrances of humans.  i suffered a lot from the humans.  so, i will be happy and thank God.  while thanking God, i will ask him a boon of giving a girl.  for chum ma pesa.  i will make the human generation.  i will write the whole world to her.    no, it is natural.  how long i will be alone ?

  6. I will go back to sleep.(silly dream bah!)

  7. I am a really sociable person, so there is no way I can survive alone. I'll proabbly kill myself.

  8. At first, i would sit and cry. Then, i would find a stereo or somthin, or an ipod, and look around while listenin to some music (helps cure that lonely feeling, for me anyway). I would probably go to the nearest police station, or army reserve if ones nearby. Find some guns, transportation, ect. Then i would go to a hospital to get some antibiotics, or anything else that can help prevent infection (there must have been something that killed everyone, maybe a disease). Then i would just go from there.

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