
If you want a best answer.....?

by  |  earlier

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tell me something really funny. the funniest thing will win! (:




  1. how did the fish cross the road??????????

    Take the r out of free and the f out of way

    TU if u get it

  2. A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

    The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

    The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?“

  3. ok want to hear a really corny joke?

    ok good!

    why can'y you tell jokes in a corn feild?

    because they have ears!

    now how bout a cheesey joke?

    lol do u get it(corny)

    lol i like it

  4. A man was driving home in a blinding and horrible cold blizzard. He went as far as he could and he had to stop because he just couldn't get any further. He walked to the nearest house from where he parked and politely asked the owner of the home if he could stay there for the night. The lady agreed and told him to follow her up to his room. When she turned around to show him his room, he was gone. A few minutes later he returned. "Where did you go?" she asked. "I went home and got my pajamas."


  5. there were three reporters held captive. a blonde, a brunette, and a red head. The people assigned to kill them had them all in a small room, first up was the brunette, the killers screamed, READY, AIM-     then the brunette yells TORNADO!!!!! TORNADO!!!!!!!  and the killers ran fer their lives and the brunette ran away. next was the redhead, READY AIM-    then she yelled, TSUNAMI!, TSUNAMI!!!! then they all ran and the redhead ran away. Finally it was the blondes turn, READY, AIM-   then, the blonde screams, "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    heheh thts my favorite!

    heres another,

    Once there was a guy tht moved to america from mexico. he didnt know any english so he was walking around his town to learn it. first he walked by an opera house, he heard mi mi mi mi mi mi mi!!!. then he walked by a diner and heard FORKS AND KNIVES!! FORKS AND KNIVES!!!. then he walked by a child saying HE STOLE MY LOLIPOP! lastly he walked by a commercial place and heard, plug it in, plug it in!!.. he then approached a police officer who said,

    -"sir, do you know who murdered this man???"

    -"mi mi mi mi mi mi mi!"

    -"what did you kill him with??"


    -"why did you kill him?"


    -"i'm sorry sir, we have to put you in the electric chair"

    -"PLUG IT IN, PLUG IT IN!!!!!"

    Hehe!! Thank you!

  6. WOO!WOO!

    who are you calling a beep do i look like your momma?


    i try to dash for the cupboard,try to hide in the cupboard

    i wake up in the morning got a rumble in my belly i am r. kelly

    ill pop you with a forty pow pow!!!

    ok thats it i said all of these with my cousin in florida it was so hilarious we had fun so here you go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. A blonde and a brunette are on opposite sides of a river. The brunette wants to get across.

    She yells across to the blonde, "Hey, how do I get to the other side?"

    The blonde shakes her head and yells back "People like you really p**s me off. You ARE on the other side!"

  9. OK two guys are hunting in a deer stand. One of them looks at the other and says "I know my wife has been cheating on me. You don't have to hide it anymore." The other guy tells him how sorry he is. Then the first guy looks through the scope into their bedroom window, and then looks disgusted saying "Oh my god, she's doing it right now." The other guy asks if he wants him to shoot at them and the first guy says "Yeah, shoot her in the head and him in the d**k." The second guy says" How can I do that? Once I shoot the first one they'll both run away?" Then the first guy gives him the gun and says "Look. You can get them both in one shot"


  10. Well I Used This On Another One But

    Two Peanuts Were Walking Down The Road And One Was A Salted (Assaulted)

  11. alright so there were three crooks ,a blonde, a brunntte, and a redhead. the police were chasing them so they ran into a dark alley,

    the redhead jumped into a garbage bin

    the brunnette hid behind a fence

    and the blonde hid in a sack of pototaos

    the police heard a sound coming from the garbage bin so the redhead said ''arf arf'' than the police said oh its just a dog

    then they heard a sound coming from behind the fence, so the brunette went ''meow meow'' oh its just a cat said the police

    than they heard a sound coming from the sack or pototoes so the blonde says ''potatoes''!!

    haha i dont why but i cracked up laughing when i heard that joke.

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