
If you want bumblebees dragonflies frogs hoverflies etc in your garden, but cant wait for a natural?

by  |  earlier

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...slow gradual influx....where can you buy indiginous insects amphibians etc, to kick start a wild population...

what if your nearest pond etc, is 10 miles away, with no "stepping stones" or wildlife corridor, for it to use to reach your garden?




  1. Moving critters to your garden is usually not advisable unless you know their specific need and are sure you can provide for them.  You can purchase ladybugs and preying mantis to release in your garden.  Check a local nursery.  If you don't have enough food for them they will leave.

  2. If you don't have the right conditions in your garden, you will release them and they will leave to find what they need.

    Early flowering plants like prunus, crocus, lonicera fragrantissima, clematis cirrhosa, violets, hellebores etc will all attract huge queen bumble bees early on.  I had 3 in my garden this week - on the lonicera.  Ajuga reptans flowers later but will attract bees like no other plant does.

    Not sure about the other wildlife, they are present but only in small quantities here.

  3. You start a movement in your area to make a wildlife corridor.

    Greening the built environment is your calling now.

    Best wishes.

  4. for dragon flies and frogs you need a water source for the young /nymphs to live,for bees you need a food source like flowers for them to feed on.Every area is different for flowers and plants that the various animals you want need to live on contact a Naturalist Club in your area and they could help you out.If you have a pond on you land then go to the local pond you mentioned with a dip net and take a few net fulls of critters to your pond and release.Like the old saying go build it and they will come well the same works in nature plant it and they will come

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