
If you want free health care ,are you willing to sacrifice?

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everyone wants a healthcare plan.if this involved removing the illegal immigrants from america to help pay for it would you do it? being this cost alone is in the billions of dollars.would you have them removed to help pay for our schools thayt are failing due to non funding? just curious how far you are willing to go to get it done.




  1. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

  2. What does removing the illegals have to do with being granted free health care??

    Besides, I would never want national heatlhcare.

  3. Who said it was free? You will pay for it in much larger taxes. Removing illegal aliens would cost money, not generate revenue.

  4. That's really an excellent question. Those who are proponents of a national healthcare plan seem to forget that America has a capitalist economy. Universal healthcare is characteristic of socialism, and America is not socialist. If the U.S. government chooses to establish a national/universal healthcare plan, expect to see a significant increase in taxes (the money has to come from somewhere).

    I am not totally against national healthcare. I think it could potentially solve many of America's problems. But from an objective point of view, I can see that our current economy is not compatible with a national healthcare plan. To make it work, our whole economy will have to change.

  5. there is no such thing as free healthcare. illegals need to be deported and the borders secured

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