
If you want to audition for Disney Channel maybe with Miley Cyrus within 30 days go to this website?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't want to go to it without asking my mom because I'd have to give my email so I have to ask but it said give your name first and last gender email and age its like 13 or younger 14 15 skip a few 39 40 or older and I'm 13 but it say be on screen in less than 30 days! well here it is and tell me if it works!




  1. Dont go to any web casting site.

    The best thing to do is take acting classes at places like "John Robert Powers"...

    Then get an agent or manager.

  2. ive never heard of it but it looks like a SCAMMM

  3. They have a 14 day free trial and then it's $19.95 a month. Being that they will have you on screen in 30 days you will only need to pay $19.95 to become a star. WOW! I can't believe that everyone is not a star because of this site! Most want $300 or more to make you a star.

  4. Hun don't do it. It is fake they will try to suck your money out of your hands.

  5. Hunny dont do that. Instant cast is a scam! ive been ive tried it dont do it. just exit out an forget about instant cast. there is no easy way too get on screen. all those websites are fakes you have to pay to audition. you dont pay audition for stuff so that site is a fake....

  6. It looks like a scam I just went to that website to check it out you can't be 13 years old you have to be older but if you go to you can be any age.

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