
If you want to be a pilot is it ok to have glasses?

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If you want to be a pilot is it ok to have glasses?




  1. For civilian and most military flying, your vision must be correctable to 20/30 with no serious astigmatism.  Some military training tracks require perfect vision without glasses.

  2. u cant have glasses if you want to be a fighter pilot but you can correct them back to a 20/20

  3. If you can correct your vision to 20/20 then yes

  4. Back in1980 when I was in Air Force ROTC,the air force requirement was NO GLASSES (I soon quit college & went to work in a bar..had some benefits).You are you can wear glasses (with correctable vision) and still fly.Join the navy or airforce (navy hires many more pilots) and let them teach you how to fly.(If you want to be a commercial pilot...this is the way to go).If not you can spend thousands and thousands of your own money for flight lessons & air time on multiple aircraft & hope you can become a commercial pilot.(sorry for long answer..if you just want your private pilot's license,most blind people can get one)

  5. Not for military pilots.

    For commercial pilots, yes it is OK.

    Good Luck...

  6. Corrected vision to 20/20 for commercial flying only.

    Avoid lasik

    any other abnormality like opacity etc will have its own disposal

    For military flying you have to have no visual errors at entry.

  7. As an airline pilot with glasses, I can categorically say Yes.  It depends on what type of flying you want to do. There are three medical levels, which type you need depends on what you intend to do with your license. If you only want to be a private pilot (fly for fun) then you need a third class medical and your vision must be corrected to 20/40 or better. For a First class medical, which is what the airlines require, you must have corrected vision to 20/20.  Lasik is ok for all civilian applications now a days, that I am aware of, as long as there are no side effects (such as ghosting).

    For the military, I am not as familiar but I can tell you that I have spoken to pilots with lasik that fly for the military and some with corrected vision; however, none of them fly the fighters, just the transport type (C130s, etc).

    The regulations for civilian medical vision requirements are found under:

       1.  First-Class: 14 CFR 67.103(a)

       2. Second-Class: 14 CFR 67.203(a)

       3. Third-Class: 14 CFR 67.303(a)

  8. Like a couple folks here, "Back in my day" (1981) pilots had to have 20/20 vision uncorrected.  In the last 5 years or so, the services have seen the light: CURRENTLY, keep in mind this changes, the visual acuity standards are;

    USAF:  20/70 correctable 20/20 or better.

    USN/USMC:  20/40 correctable 20/20 or better.

    Good/excellent depth perception

    No astigmatism

    No colorblindness

    No nightblindness

    Nightblindness/weak night vision is a not uncommon side effect of vision surgery.  LASIK more than PRK IIRC.  I would consult with a USAF or USN Flight Surgeon before shelling out the money, and risking not being accepted.

    Hope that helps,

  9. yeah itys okay

  10. Yes, but only if your vision is 20/20.

    With or without glasses (for commercial airliners) if you have 20/20 vision your okay!

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