
If you want to be an actress what work experience would be best to do?

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For instance- should I work on set of a drama tv show or something, and could you please say how i would that kind of job?




  1. Well, working in some aspect of theatre/film/tv is nice. Most aspiring actor/actresses are waitstaff in restaurants because they can always get work and change shifts with others when they have auditions and so on.

  2. Hello there!

    Well firstly, if your aiming to get an acting part obviously the best experience you could have would be acting experience, even amateur (Unpaid) work is good and will get your chances higher. I suggest you try joining your local community theatre, failing that do all the shows in school. Go and and grab as much experience in school.

    Remember, i've heard people say on this that they don't do high school things because everyone is stuckup. In the proffesional world your going to come across ALOT more people exactly like that and it's something you have to deal with and rise above.

    As for work experience? Alot of actors choose to Usher in big theatres (In case you don't know what an usher is, they show people to thier seat) because that brings them into contact with casting directors and the like searching for fresh talent. Some actors for television may sometimes become runners on TV shows or do other work in and around the entertainments industry purely because they will be brought into contact with people who can give them work.

    The saying it's not what you know it's who you know is most definately true with the Industry.

    I don't know the details of how you would get this work, but looking into production companies to see if they have vacancies is a start!

    Good luck!

  3. Musical THeater!, its live which is sometimes the most scary thing. On the upside you get to make mistakes and try to fix them without anyone noticing, improv! (great acting quality!). as many different shows on your resume as possible is great. Go to your local community theater's website and look for audition info. Go to an audition and try out (even if you suck it's okay i'm sure there has been worse, so there is nothing to loose!). if you get a part that is great! talk to your director after a copuple shows and he/she , i'm sure will tell you some great advice! they can get you into auditions for other theaters, possibly broadway!. another very smart thing to do if you are actually serious in acting, is to invest in an agent. how you get an agent is the difficult part. write up your resume (that's what expirience is  for!) and get a headshot. send it into a bunch of agents. you can find headshot and resume info online!. if they reply to you great! if not it's okay. agents go through tons of headshots everyday, and you should do something that makes you stand out! send them an invitation to one of your upcoming performances. make it a postcard and make it look interesting! they chances that they'll go is slim but if it catches their eye, you never know! they just might go!

    good luck with your acting career and i hope i helped!

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