
If you want to be aware of life click onto David Icke website its too unreal.?

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If you want to be aware of life click onto David Icke website its too unreal.?




  1. Icke is a babbling idiot. He may say something that makes sense on occasion, but that's like a broken clock: right twice a day, but still useless.

  2. Fascinating...

    (I say this with my left eyebrow arched inquisitively)

  3. David Icke is an idiot, his ideas (they do not deserve to be called 'theories') are too ridiculous to laugh at, they sound as if they've been cobbled together by a lobotomised scientologist.

    If you want to learn about life then you have to take learning seriously. Forget snake-oil merchants like Icke and Hubbard, look at what the great thinkers have said about life, Buddha, Einstein, Kant, Krishnamurti, Bohr, Nagarjuna, Julius Henry Marx, Suzuki, Feynman, Joyce, Darwin, de Selby, Popper et al and most of all Robert Anton Wilson.

    Wisdom isn't something you get by reading a few self help books, by learning the latest psychobabble catchphrases, wisdom comes through a lifetime's immersion in the problems of life, and in the lifelong study of those great thinkers.

  4. i don't see his problem with shape-shifting reptilians.  i've met humans just as bad.

  5. I'll have a go

  6. have you a link?

  7. Well if ya believe in the 2nd coming bud!.....

  8. i did not see it yet but from what i read sounds opinion is we are all going to turn into slugs as lazy as we are getting

  9. `Jesus` Your telling me.

  10. Thats the point it really is unreal, i know George W has been accused of many things but being part of a reptilian race who want world domination, well he got the latter part right. I have read one of his books and it was a good work of fiction however i wouldnt put that much faith in someone who once proclaimed he was the son of god.

  11. I've read all of his books.

    I must say his theories are very intresting, and he has provided us with proof .. BUT some of his ideas sound a lil too crazy.

  12. and if I dont want to be, what should I click on then??


    He is a very interesting guy and a LOT of what he says makes a whole lot of sense, I just wish he hadn't come out with the 'reptilian/lizard people' thing because that turned a lot of people away from him...

  14. Not a question, but David Icke is an interesting guy. He has some great views.

  15. I daren't - the reptiloid royals will send the balck helicopters after me!

  16. sorry but all I can say

    As this is posted in Royalty is

    as you getting a cut of the sales?

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