
If you want to know, why don't you go to the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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I can understand women who are ALREADY pregnant asking a question about symptoms.... But if you think you are just go to the doctor, pregnancy symptoms can be alot of other stuff. stop asking random people and go to the doctor!!! Do you agree or disagree????




  1. i agree very much so. and when u give ur opinion they get offended. i hate when they take a test and still want to know if they are or not. before u post read what others have asked. it saves u from looking dumb. and most of them ask it every month!!! there should be a am i pregnant section on here!

  2. Well i agree and disagree. even if you ask your not due for yor appointment yet you can still call your doctors office and ask the medical asst. they would know better then us. we are not all health professionals on here. It is a little annoying when they ask the same question am i [regnant. well go taka test omg if it's positiv then you are if not the maybe your not or maybe you took it to soon. how are we suppoes to know.  

  3. I agree I use this section to ask if my symptoms make sense or if they are normal but i get irritated at the people asking us if we think they are pregnant, we aren't human hpt's! All we can do is make an educated guess, but they can do that for themselves! if they have to ask-then there guess is as good as ours!

  4. I  agree its a bit stupid asking questions about your health

    when you should be asking your Doctor

  5. One of the questions I hate most on here.  'Am I pregnant?'  We're not psychic, we can't tell you.  Ugh, I'm with you.  I want to post nasty things on each of those, but I refrain for the most part.  My most hated is... "I had s*x yesterday, am I pregnant? or what are my chances?"

    Preach it sistah!

  6. I'd have to agree in some ways and disagree in others. A couple years ago when I first started thinking about getting pregnant there was a lot of stuff I didn't know, and this as an adult, a married woman. I knew the basics but didn't know a lot of the TTC stuff or about how varied the early signs of pregnancy can be (turns out I had no signs when I finally did get pregnant but just happened to test on the morning after my period was due because my mom the weekend before "had a feeling" after finding out my brother and his wife were expecting. I thought it would be a couple days late because I had recently started an exercise regimen and that can affect your cycle). Anyway, because of the plethora of, "Am I pregnant?" questions I was able to learn a lot about it, within just a day or two of being on here.

    But, I wish they would take it to the TTC category because it kind of matches up with the general stuff they talk about on there more, and now that I'm pregnant I just want to see questions from those already pregnant. If we could hang a giant banner with all the F.A.Q's it'd be great, but until then it's just going to be the same questions over and over again, from worried/anxious women/girls.

  7. Look, the reason for alot of these forums is to get other peoples experience or educated answers.

    Sometimes it is relief to find out someone else has gone through he same thing. If you dont like the question, dont answer it. yes go to the doctors, but what does it hurt in the mean time to ask what other peoples thoughts are...

    Skip the questions if you dont like them, simple as that.

  8.   I fully do we know. Take a HPT or go to the doctors.  

  9. I guess if I couldn't get an appointment for a few days, I'd be curious about other people's opinions in the meantime.

    I think that a lot of them (especially teenagers) just want to share their anxieties and emotions with someone rather looking for real advice.

  10. no i don't agree because some people dont really have that choice right away....and there are early signs that people who have already had kids could know they could help alot of people!

  11. I agree, most pregnancy symptoms can be so closely related to menstrual symptoms that it is hard to tell and the only way of knowing is to have a test done. Also, if you have taken more then 1 test and it came up positive or negative repeatedly the result is probably correct.  

  12. If a person is feeling anxious or they just want validation for their symptoms, they ask these questions knowing that they will get some form of an answer on here in a minute or two... vs. waiting to buy a test or see a doctor.Most likely they know they need to take a test or see a doctor but I would guess that they want to know the likelihood of their suspiscion being correct.

    If someone says "Yes... those were my symptoms and I was/was not pregnant." then it gives them some idea of what to expect.

  13. I agree. I don't answer the questions because I don't want to come off as rude but that's a pretty silly question. This site is for educated answers, unless we're psychic doctors, how the h**l are we supposed to know. If you've had s*x there is always the chance you're pregnant. Go see a doctor.  

  14. some of the girls who ask about symptoms are teenagers. for example me. i literally just turned 14 and im not sure if im pregnant or not and yeah i know i shouldnt be having s*x but ive been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half so you kinda gotta expect it and we use protection but it ripped. but anyway not the point. a lot of young women are to afraid to go to the doctor or they wanna know right away. so i disagree with you. and if you have a problem with girls asking about pregnancy symptoms than get over it and move on or just ignore the questions and dont answer them.

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