
If you want to live green just live like the???

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Amish? By the way for all the industrialists on here humanity existed before petroleum was ever being used.




  1. Point well taken. There are no completely renewable energies. We can only substitute one fuel for another. Since I take in too many calories, the only fuel that is in excess is that which I produce.

    I am not Amish and I live 500 miles from my mother, I like to drive down and see her now and then. I have lights on right now, and obviously my computer is running. I admit to being a user of fossil fuels, but I try to remember that it is my choice to use them, and my choice is to use them sparingly.

    Why is "green" and fighting global warning suddenly so popular? I don't see anyone doing anything that I haven't been working at since the 70s.  

  2. It is true that the Amish have lived a clean and sustainable lifestyle forever. I do think you can live a modern life and do much less damage to the earth. You can live a sustainable lifestyle and still have a/c. I think too many people think they have to give up too much to be earth friendly. I disagree, I live in a typical suburban home with a pool, but 95% of my energy is renewable, more than 75% of my food is organic and local, I consume less, I waste less and I have very few toxins in my life. It is healthier for my family and the planet.  


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