
If you want to stop direct deposit into your checking do you have to do that with your bank or employer?

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What are the pros and cons of having a bank account?




  1. Your employer.  They have to know how to get your paycheck to you.  Usually, there is a form to fill out.

  2. Probably your employer...some employers only do direct deposit - I know mine does.  Really, I don't know of any cons to having a bank account...unless of course the bank goes under and you have more than $100,000 in there, which is definitely not my case.  Having a bank account is good because it keeps your money secure and you can also earn, I just hate walking around with alot of cash....I would rather have all my money in the bank and then use my debit card when I need to buy something.

  3. employer

    pro --safe keeping of funds

    con -- cookie jar

  4. You need to ask your employer.  The pros of a bank account is the interest.  HEELLLOOO free money here!!

  5. You need to do this with your employer.  They'll probably have you fill out a form cancelling your direct deposit and just give you a check on your pay day.

    Pros of having a bank account:  Not having to worry about carrying around large sums of cash or keeping lots of money in your house, convenience.

    Cons:  If you aren't careful, it can be easy to overdraw and get into trouble.

  6. You have to stop with your employer.

    You really should have a bank account.  It is very safe and allows you to build your credit.  It is the grown up thing to do and makes life easier.  Go for it!

  7. direct deposit is controlled by your employer.

    you need a bank account to establish a history of controlling your expenses.  You will be asked for this when purchasing a house.  Try not to have any returned checks.

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