
If you wanted to knock someon out where would you hit them?

by Guest66980  |  earlier

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  1. It'd be funny to see a groin shot - for the reaction.

  2. In their ear!

  3. In the wallet

  4. their neck or head?

  5. The easiest way to knock someone out is to hyper rotate the head.  The best method would be a good hook to the jaw.

  6. knees,knackers,throat

  7. Stomach. THey can't help but to go touch it and drop down. Good luck./

  8. square in the chest on the sternum or on the nose

  9. Right in the face with my driver!?!

  10. HAHA i like how this is in golf.  If you've got a golf club, hit them in the head.  If you're trying to punch them, hit them in the head.

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