
If you wanted to take up blacksmithing as a hobby where would you get stuff and how would you learn this?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 so naturaly my parents would think this is a big waste so if there was any site i could learn to build the stuff i need that would work too.




  1. Honestly, I would get in touch with an Iron Worker.  They know about welding, metal, and "blacksmithing".  Google Iron Workers (comma your city), and send them an email.  If you have a passsion for this, you should stick with it.

    Parents want what is best for their children. Perhaps with contact with an Iron Worker, your Parents may change their mind.

    You have to have a minimum of a high school diploma.  You have to be good at math, you have to be quick (and sure) on your feet.

    Those are the 'blacksmiths' of our day.

    Contact your Local Iron Workers.

  2. Try     or    Both are blacksmith organizations that have what you are seeking on their web sites.

  3. the term" blacksmith" means many things,,,,in the old days they made wagons,, wagon wheels,,and shod horses,,,farrowing is for horse shoeing,,go to some horse stables near  you,,ask em when the farrower  comes around,,,,then be there that day,,,,ask  him where he learned his trade,,,,also call or go by a --- a trade school,,or welding shop employees,,or the owner,,,sheet metal shops,,,  iron fence shops,,, etc,  any business that does metal working

  4. You may not believe this but, the mill my spouse worked for, for years, had a large "Black-smith" shop with two men doing the work for them so, this art is not dead, you only have to find it. Good luck.

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