
If you was given the chance to live in cornwall for 3 months ,then in sussex for 3 months?

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then a cruise for 3 months year in year out , would you do it , or would you feel as i do , very unsure ,and not secure ???




  1. Do it... there is no other time better than the now... do it... (and if you dont want to i will go for you)

  2. i sooo would

  3. DO IT, you'll regret it if you don't.

    If you don't like it then don't do it again!

  4. it might sound idyllic but it would make me feel very rootless ... never in one place long enough to make friends properly

  5. Then I'd jump at the chance.

    Regret the things you do, not the things you don't.

  6. Having spent my entire childhood in Cornwall, I can highly recommend it.

    Better to regret the things you have done than those you have not!

    If you want tips on places to go when you're down there, drop me a message. Have fun!

  7. you shud go cose once you got A FAMILY THEN  YOU GOT TO PUT THEM FIRST

  8. I have had similar opportunities of travelling. The only way to answer this question is to look at your personal target for 5 - 10 years from now. I assume this is a work opportunity.

    I jumped at the first thought of travel, without any consideration for the consequences. I ended up having a marvellous time working in two countries over a period of two years, but for the same group's companies. I finally decided to find a place to call home. For company reasons, they did not have the resources to retain Junior-level positions. Needing to apply outside the company, I had tremendous difficulty because I did not have enough experience. (Btw it took me two months to finally get something during the UK credit crunch of 2008).

    Travelling is great, but sometimes it is better to get a stable job/income, and use that income to travel. If you can hold onto one job that pays you to travel - brilliant! Go for it!

  9. it sounds idyllic does`nt it.but you have to get your priorities right never know what`s around the next corner so think it through before you make a decision.there are all ways snags. but if you do decide to do it I`ll wish you all the best and hope you will be happy.

  10. I also would have doubts. It depends upon what sort of person you are, who you will be with or will you be alone.

    There is a danger of findingthat you have a foot in both places and belong to neither. i would make sure that I had an independant network in the place you where  unfamiliaer with before a commitment. That is me not you and only you know what is right for you. It's a case of if in doubt do nowt

  11. Yes please where do i sign????

    I live in Sussex, love Cornwall and have the salt of the sea in my veins.

  12. If I didnt have my 3 kids I would jump to the chance.

    who cares about feeling insecure....get you suitcase and off you go


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