
If you was one of the Jonas Brothers girlfriend what do you think you would have to do to keep him?

by Guest31772  |  earlier

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IT"S just fantasy! Also how can you catch their eye on tour? PLEASE no mean answers!




  1. I would just make him give me money, and then he could call me his girlfriend. And i would get to call him Lame! hahaha

  2. id hope that we would treat each other like real people i hope id have to do nothingout of the ordinnary to keep him ... wear a rediculous outfit so they have to look at you and laugh or somthing! hehe but seriously i doubt they are looking for anyone in the crowd i mean cathing their eye is cool but it honestly means nothing

  3. *i would do my best to look hott all the time:)

  4. To catch their eye on tour: Be good looking

    To keep them yours: stay good looking

  5. i would probly stay me not get carried away with it all and try to keep cool at all time around time

  6. Keep cool, understand that I'd be talking on the phone to them more than seeing them in person, never miss out when I had an opportunity to see them, never whine, never be mean to my mom! lol :)

  7. go with him?

    and if u go out with him u should trust him on tour

  8. You would have to keep a taser to keep other girls away.

    Those chicks at those concerts are CRAZY.

    One girl i knew acted all hurt coming out of the moshpit and they took her backstage to chill out.


  10. i would say go to a lot of their meat and greats and soon they will rember you. then one time after you go to a lot of them ask for their number! and then if they give it to you call them ever once in a while and talk to them and then talk to them on myspace to!

  11. Hold up a really really really big banner! Also faint! One might give you CPR!!!  Yay!

  12. If it was the unpopular one, all I'd have to do is show up.

  13. You CANT catch their eye on tour.

    You aren't as cute as Demi, Miley, or Selena (hangs head I know Disney c**p names).

    THey don't want to date you.

    Giving good head I find always keeps boys around..

  14. well i guess you'd have to be supportive and try to understand if they can't be with you all the time due to their hectic schedule. and i guess if you were joe's girlfrined you would probably have to try your best to look like natalie portman or emma watson, cause he said he thinks that they're cute.

  15. Haha, umm...  I would just be me and be super super understanding.  From the sounds of most of the Jonas Brothers songs and interviews it's nearly impossible to have a girlfriend on tour because your so so so busy.  So I would just be really understanding of his schedule and never complain.  To catch their eyes on tour...  make a sign and wear super cute and flashy clothes.

  16. i would probly stay me not get carried away with it all and try to keep cool at all time around time and give him his pravice plus i would understatd his crazy scedulale

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