
If you wash something with soap and something is still visually there, is it germ free?

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I've always wondered what exactly is the deal. Like, what it left after you've soaped something up but theres still something foreign still visually present. Does that count as clean?

For example, say your job is roofing and get lots of black stuff on your hands and wash it off rigorously but its still stained on your hands.

For another example, people who don't really scrub their dishes very hard and can live with visual blemishes and prior food specks on it.

And as a last example, lets say you just soak a dirty spoon in soap, pull it out, and wipe it off. It still has visual old food globs on it. Can you just eat off that as if it were a clean spoon?




  1. Just for safe bleach it if its like clothes that are white or hard surfaces. For hand wash with a disinfectant soap or lycol spary for hands. For things like dished and spoons run it in your dishwasher on sanatize cycle. Then everything is really clean! trust me. if you use any of these things they all have a little bit of bleach in it and bleach kills all germs any kind. So it may look gross but if you sanatized it it is 100% clean. I hope i helped you out :-)

  2. I think it still would be germ free as long as you used good cleaning products and cleaned it well there shouldnt be a problem with that

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