
If you wear prescription glasses that arent yours how long would it take to ruin your eye sight?

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im just curious.




  1. Never.   Wearing glasses, whether your own or someone elses, will have no affect on your eyes.

    It might be hard to see or you might get headaches with the wrong glasses but it will not change your eyes.

  2. A few minute may not do harm, but if you wear glasses that aren't made for your eyes, eventually your vision will change. If you don't have to weawr glasses, then don't play with other glassses, even if you can see a little better. Both eyes aren't always the same, unless you have 20/20 in both eyes, or blind ini both. Some people may have 20/50 in the left & 20/30 in the right eye (for example). I wear glasses, didn't have to until I wore a pair that I found in 1976. In Feb. 1977 an appointment was made,I was farsighted, needed them to read. Age took it's toll on me,I'm near-sighted now and can't read with the glasses I have and can't get bifocals either. Also, the medicine I have to take to help control seziures effect the vision.

    If you need a pair just to read and can't afford to go get regular glasses, try reading glasses (drug store type), already made.

    Glasses can be a pain in the you know what !

    So answering your question, it depends on how much/long you use them, a couple months, maybe almost a year.

  3. Wearing someone else's glasses cannot ruin your eyesight.

    You may not see clearly, get a head-ache, get dizzy or even nauseous, but not ruin your eyesight.  You might even adapt to the prescription and then need some correction yourself.

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