
If you went into Big Brother and you came out to BOO"s would you be upset?

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If you went into Big Brother and you came out to BOO"s would you be upset?




  1. Yes, I would be crushed.  I'm such a softie.  However, I probably wouldn't go on BB in the first place.

    I like the US version better, where the housemates vote each other out and are allowed to discuss nominations.  Then, when the housemate leaves, they always come out to cheers, as the audience had no vote anyway.

  2. Hi Sue i wouldn't be upset id lust give them the finger lol x*x

  3. I would be upset if I had of been myself and genuine in the house.

  4. You wouldn't get me in there in the first place.

  5. i honestly don't know how they walk out that door and down those steps....theres no way i could do it!!!!! i'd cry ALOT!!!!! lol

  6. yes because i'd be think omg what have i done especially if i was being myself

  7. Like I would go in there!

    But it was a must, then you have accept the good with the bad!

  8. I don't think the hms notice them because they are so buzzing with adrenaline and can't wait to see Davina.

  9. I'd like to think it wouldn't bother me but deep down I'm sure it would.I can't imagine what it must be like to know the nation hates you.

  10. No way....

    I would have probably said my bit,,,,

    And I know....deep down...I was right....

    Sooooo sod 'em......

  11. When the first USA show came on I wanted SO BAD to try out and be on the show. It sounded so cool.

    I even went online to fill out a form to try to be on the show and had to stop because I was expecting my 2nd child & saw I couldn't be on it. lol I'll blame that slip up on pregnancy hormones. lol Did I seriously think they'd let an expecting mom be on the show or a new mom? lol

    Now there is no way in the world I'd want to be on the show. It seems like it can turn the nicest people into monsters. Plus I wouldn't want the whole world to see all of my faults.

    I'd most likely break down and cry if I came out the house and heard BOO. I too am way to soft hearted and HATE the idea of just one person not liking me or misunderstanding me. I'd seriously have to be taken the hospital and given something calm me down. That is how much it would eat me up inside.

    I feel bad when it happens to people on reality shows. Esp. because what you see on the show isn't really them it is the person who comes up to fit the situation they are in.

    Plus we all slip up. We've all said things out of anger or just due to having a bad day. Who would want that aired on tv for the whole world to see?  

  12. If i knew that i was being myself in the house and came out to boos, yes i would be upset, because i'm not a nasty person. I think i'd be a cross between Mo (not the greedy side) and Rachel

  13. i wud be very upset

  14. No - its all panto stuff (its nearly de rigeur now). It was a bit of a surprise when it first started to happen - don't recall it so much in Newham - and if anything it is hyped up by Endemol.

    Still cringe when I recall Nikkie's exit from the house in BB7 when she lost the plot.

  15. Id know that my work was done

    *evil laugh*

  16. boo's or cheers i'd poo my pants and prob wouldn't make it to the top of the stairs

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