
If you went on Big Brother, do you think the public would like you or dislike you?

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  1. They wouldn't have the chance to decide, as I would have killed myself out of pure shame due to stooping to that level of life and becoming a manufactured celebrity.

  2. I would be so boring they'd vote me out first

  3. probably like me but i wouldn't win..

    id actually be voted/kicked off for offending some ethnic or religious  group  

  4. to be honest i am a normal every day bloke i would bore the h**l out of them in not argumentive enough and like my own company

  5. Well going on Big Brother isn't an option but if i did i think people would like me, i am not cruel or argumentative, i am honest and caring - but look at how people see Rachel, i guess no matter who you are not everyone will like you, fact of life. In general i think i will be liked though.

    If we have to go by Mohammad, then i do not think any Muslim will enter the BB house again, he has given such a bad image to Muslims (personal opinion) he Drinks, Smokes, Swears, is Un-hygenic, Lazy, Greedy a Theif all the things that Islam doesn't like - yet he demands Halal meat (which made me laugh the most) It's his choice by all means, he is the one who has to answer to Allah not me - but i just think he is crazy to admit being a Muslim yet act so poorly on TV, no wonder a high majority of English people dislike Muslims and do not take us seriously, why should they? people like Mo don't

    Dont get me started on Alex, that confuses me soooo much ha-ha!

  6. I will vote out first OMG/ I never apply for the show and it's seems to be under the age 30 now days!!

  7. well, everything is possible.

  8. As a Muslim I would have to win , otherwise I would claim racial discrimination against every kafoor .

  9. Big brother should be about the best person with personality to win and the other people eventually singled out.

    What I didn't get was why did Stephanie get evicted first.  She was a nice girl and had no conflict with anyone.


  10. They would love me!! I am soooo funny lol.....ermm ok well i fink so!!

  11. You have to think, 'What sort of person goes on BB?' Do you want to be a Jade? Or a Rex? Do you need that money so much even though everyone will hate you?

    If I had to be on it, I would hope that people would take me at face value. But judging by the other people that have been on it, maybe it won't be a good opinion.

    So, no!

  12. Publicly they would say they hated me, secretly they would not necessarily like me but would keep me in to annoy people. Women would hate me because I'm a babe, some guys might support me as they would want to 'do me'.

  13. They'd probably hate me. In real life I'm weird...seriously. All my friends are just like me. yeah. Hate.  

  14. What  has this got to do with Ramadan?

    Do you mean do we think they will like or dislike us because of our Religion?

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