
If you went to a restaurant, would you prefer your waitress to...?

by  |  earlier

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ask you if you want a straw for your drink and butter for your bread, or do you think this should be an automatic? Your opinion counts, want to show this to my boss.

I asked this last night but need more answers. Thanks to all who responded the first time! :D




  1. would rather be asked

  2. it should be automatic.

  3. Definitley automatic...95% of people would use both things.

  4. As an adult, I do not prefer straws at home but when I am out, I am not a fan of drinking out of a glass without a straw as you never know how clean the cups are.  (I used to work in a bar and I've seen what restaurant staff (some) call  a "clean" glass.  It should at least be offered.

    As for butter, it should be automatic - period.

  5. Neither.  A good one would have provided both without asking.

  6. automatic definatly

  7. There are pros and cons on both sides.  Anything brought to the table and not used has to be wasted, so everything should be asked.  But it's also nice to not have to be asked.

    I don't think there's a "right" answer.

  8. depends on the drink....if its coke or similar...yeh straw should come with it automatically.

    I'd like to be asked about butter though...cos i don't like butter on my bread. but if it's those little butter packets...yeh i don't mind if they come with the bread....i just don't use them.... so i guess its not very economical for the boss....

  9. Well, considering all of the talk about green living and carbon footprint, heck yes I prefer to be asked instead of given something I am just going to waste, like millions of other people out there.  Same with the glass of water, some places still just put water infront of everyone at the table whether they will drink it or not, stop it already.  American's are very wasteful and if we all paid attention and didn't automatically get things we don't plan to use, there could be a lot more conservation and a lot less waste generated by all of us.

  10. Yikes. I understand that restaurants are hard-pressed to cut costs these days, but straws for sodas and butter for bread should be automatically served. Asking this question makes the company seem cheap, in my opinion.

    What's next, "Do you need a napkin?"

  11. I'd like both to be provided from the start.  Even if I didn't use either. I would hope that the restaurant value's the customer's convenience over saving on straws and butter.

  12. Personally, I think it should be asked when drinks are brought to the table and orders for food are taken.

    Number one, this will cut costs for those who leave the items sitting on the table and they can't be used again, they must be discarded.

    Number two, I don't use a straw with most of my drinks, only rarely.  It annoys the c**p out of me when I see food costs rising and I know that all the straws that they hand out that end up on the floor and in the trash help to contribute to this. Not to mention, I either have to tell the server, no thanks, I don't need a straw, or else I have to put up with moving it around the table during my meal to keep it out of the way.

    Number three, I usually don't eat butter with my bread and when it sits on the table, it has to be thrown away; this leads to increased food costs.  When I order a baked potato, I always want butter, and I expect the server to ask when the order is taken if I want it.

    Hope this helps with your survey!!

    Edit:  One thing I forgot to mention, is that whether or not the customer wants the items, I feel it's the server's job to ask and also to have the things with them when they ask.  I feel that it's sloppy and inattentive to automatically throw something at a customer, just so you don't have to ask and/or don't have to go back and get it.  If you're prepared for your job, it's easy to ask and have it ready.  Most people don't realize that not only do they have an obligation to meet their customers' needs, but they also have an obligation to their employer to help control costs while maintaining a certain level of service.

  13. i would rather her bring me a straw for my drink and butter for my bread...isn't that their job?

  14. Automatic on the butter, optional for the straw.

  15. Butter should be automatic but not necessarily straws... I hate straws in my drink. But butter should come along with the bread.

  16. butter...using straws aren't as common

  17. I think that asking is a good thing, it gives you more of a chance to interact with the people and earn your tip, you can always just lay the straws on the table, but some people don't like butter and/or can't have it so that is something that should be taken into consideration.

  18. I think you should ask; my husband never wants a straw & I usually do want one. I user one pat of butter & he'll use 4.  People are so different ....I believe it's best to ask, so things aren't wasted. Hope this helps.


  19. Doesn't matter. If she asks, I tell her. If she just gives it to me automatically and I don't want it, I set it in a spot on the table or counter where it's obvious I don't want it so she can take it back promptly and not waste it.

    For example, with water I don't want a straw, with iced tea I always do, with soda pop I don't care either way.

    As for butter, depends on what I'm ordering. If it's something with lots of juice to dip the bread in, I don't need butter; if it's a drier meal I probably do want butter.

  20. Conventional Hotelier ethics would be to place the straw and butter, if its used or not, its upto the customer. But modern day thinking is strwas, butters, addditional table accessories whould be wit hthe waitress/waiter, they can ask the customer if he needs any, if its yes, they can have it, if its no, lots of straws and butters can be saved, thus cutting cost and lookin extremely professional

  21. The waitress should ask you if you need either of these.

  22. I think straws and butter is an automatic.

  23. I would rather be asked.

  24. yea it should all be provided whiout her/him having to ask?

  25. I say ask about straws, but not about the butter.

  26. Yes, you shouldn't have to ask for butter or a straw for your drink! That should come without questions!

  27. I think that straws for drink and butter for bread should be a given.

  28. Straws automatic, butter optional.  Well now that I re read the question butter should come along with bread, but be an opinion for a vegetable or potato

  29. They should give the butter automatically, but ask about the straw.

  30. I think I would prefer that they ask. I do not like a bunch of stuff cluttering the table. on the other hand, I would prefer they come to the table with these thing with them, so I don't have to sit and look at my drink and bread while they go to get the stuff. if you are going to offer it, have it with you.

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