
If you were God would you make Hurricane Ike head towards the UK?

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  1. who needs God to do that?  Have you not heard of HAARP, the new technology that replaced starwars in the ieghties, just google it or look it up on youtube

    sweet dreams

  2. What makes you believe that GOD sent hurricane Ike to the US? Do you think GOD enjoys dishing out pain and destruction? HE doesn't! HE will allow it, however. It's called a "wake-up" call!

    GOD bless

  3. Maybe I'd be sneaky and put it over on the west coast of the U.S.  They don't get any hurricanes, either.

  4. If I were god id be trying to figure out how to defeat the reverse vampires

  5. No. I would send it to ethiopia, they could do with the rain

  6. If I were God, I might make it head to you house, so watch it.

  7. NO!

  8. The only hurricane thats heading our way is the fallout from the election of nut-case Palin!

  9. Naaah, I'd kick the c**p out of New Orleans again!   Heck, it's worked like gangbusters before ... why change now?

  10. I'M not God! So bit of a useless question. The answer would be even more useless if at all attempted in the way it  appears to be wanted.  Sorry not meaning to offend. Hurricanes hit where they are supposed to hit according to the law of  Nature or Karma. If it's for you, you're gonna get it. What ever you do is gonna come back on you! Be good, be careful or don't get caught. Take care. Best wishes.  GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

  11. god chose you so shut up & be thankfull that you are in his thoughts, what do you mean you meant nothing by it.we get more rain per anum & floods not to mention failed harvest for the size of us. our little island isnt even the size of one of your states, wipe us out & who will do your dirty work in the u.n. for you??  

  12. Shut up about the UK.

    I'm GLAD we don't get hurricanes, we have enough problems as it is.

    Why do you question nature?

  13. "God" doesn't shake things up, he leaves that up to human beings.  They do all the shaking!   Maybe if we looked after this planet, we would not experience such hardships when it comes to the weather.  Apparently a huge iceberg, has completely disappeared in the last week.  Look it up!   Human beings make choices, and sometimes those choices come back to haunt them.

  14. We sometimes get tiny little mini hurricanes or twisters, they knock the tiles of a few houses and uproot a couple of trees, and it dominates the News for three days.  If we had a proper hurricane they'd be going on about it for the next hundred years( we had some proper snow once, about fifty years ago, people still go on about it now) so please don't send a hurricane, it'd be like the 'Diana' of weather, I'd have to emigrate, lol :)

  15. good job you aren't God then

    in fact here in the uk we get more tornados per square mile than almost any country in the world (including the usa)

    and that does include that massive hurricane that almost wiped out our economy altogether back in october 1987 - i was probably the only one who did not sleep thru it - i was frightened for my life

  16. We had a pretty bad one 20 years ago- people died and I was really freaked out as trees came crashing down outside my house.

    No thank you, you can keep your hurricane.

  17. Being English, I'd say no... but imagine if they did, the government will probably tax us the privilege of receiving one!

  18. Every 5 seconds a child dies of starvation, his/her body a bag of bones with sagging flesh, then the final gasp of breath, then life ended.  This child never asked to be born, in the usa or uk.  You WILL eventually die, but will you have been important to anyone?  As the rain hits your roof from IKE, thousands will  have died of starvation.  

  19. Only if I could have it selectively hit the homes of people who claim that American buildings are "rubbish" because they "fall down" in a bit of wind. People who have not experienced extreme weather should not be smug and judgmental. But most don't say such things

    But I wouldn't wish a strong hurricane or tornado or earthquake on anyone.

    I might enjoy smiting some people who deserve it though...mainly some in elected office and a few druggie pop singers.

  20. I'd prefer letting nature run it's course. I think it does the job just fine. It's not the hurricanes fault the people were in the way.

  21. No because i live there!

  22. I would have no cause for it.

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