
If you were Granted a Super Natural Gift, What would It be?

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If you were Granted a Super Natural Gift, What would It be?




  1. I would be Best Answer Man because apparently I suck at it right now (another example?)

  2. I would want the Gift of Healing by thought.  That way no one would know who did it and I would not be bothered, because no one would suspect me, I'm such a cynic.

  3. the ability to read minds, but only when i wanted to

  4. Discernment and prophecy.

  5. The ability to sense stupid questions.  Oh, wait, I already have that.

  6. The gift of healing...

  7. I would want the gift of being able to be a bee that flies up to people's ear and tell them "You're lying again."

    I hate lying and always wanted to be the little voice that whispers to those who are lying so that they have a chance to clean up their act.  Think of all the hurt we would prevent in this world.

  8. The gift of retribution.

  9. The gift to make people lose weight (and, myself of course) and from that point on, be able to eat whatever they want and stay that weight! I believe too many people in this world are held back and feel bad about themselves because of their weight....the world would be a better place with everyone feeling better about themselves.

  10. Pyrokenisis.

  11. Control time. I could relive all my greatest experience and help stop bad things that were going to happen in the future.

  12. to know how to make me and who i want to feel more and more and more and intense pleasure without any negative side effects

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