
If you were Heather Mills, How would you have handled your divorce from Sir Paul?

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If you were Heather Mills, How would you have handled your divorce from Sir Paul?

Would you have insisted on legal and financial representation,

would you have wanted more money, more assets, more money for the child, more publicity, less publicity, etc, how would you have done it?




  1. Hopefully with a lot more dignity, sanity and humanity

  2. More Dignity.

    No wonder we have so many Chavs in this country.

  3. I would have accepted whatever he offered and kept it out of court.    Even £1m for 4 years would have been more than enough because after all, his wealth was earned years ago.

  4. Quietly and with some dignity; how much cash does a person really need?

  5. She chose to represent herself, there is no reason at all that she couldn't have had legal counsel, finance really wasn't anissue. She is a very foolish woman, whos eemed to think she'd done a very good job!

  6. Quietly and with dignity.

  7. Women like that, give women a bad name!

    She got more than the high price hookers in the states.

    Hope Paul's lawyer gets her for assault with the water

  8. With considerably more decorum and trusted my lawyers to do their job.

    A person that represents themselves in a court of law, is represented by a fool.

    Even lawyers don't represent themselves.

  9. Used lawyers rather than conduct her case herself. She was up against skilled personnel and did not have a chance. Obviously she appears to have annoyed the judge and that could not have helped her cause. With facial expressions like hers she had little chance from the outset. She really is a" pain in the ****".

  10. I would have firstly remained amicable. After all, its the child that has the importance here and unhappy parents make an unhappy child. Maybe if she had not been such a b*t*h Paul may have been more inclined to see her straight financially. Yes I would have had representation and I certainly would not have tried to make an enemy of the media. Big mistake for somebody that relies on such people to put forward a positive image when you are representing countless charities.

  11. 50/50.

  12. Having seen how the media set up shop against his first wife she should have been a bit more canny.Kept a low profile,got the best legal advice she could have and walked away dignity intact and probably better off.

  13. Fortunately I'm not her! I can't put myself in her shoes, as I doubt her motives from beginning to end and I would prefer to walk away with dignity and remain friends if possible. I think she is a total embarrassment and shows just how conniving and devious power mad women can be...

  14. i would have just wanted a divorce....and handled it with more dignity.....why should she want more...did she just marry him for a divorce settlement? she was only married to the man for 4 years not a should have been like everyone else in the situation,,,,,if she could no longer be married to him,then a divorce with a settlement for the child involved should have been enough

  15. me  would  have  said  ****  you  Paul  you  user  as  you  have  always  been   ...walked  away   ...but  have  kid  that  you  fathered  and  going  to  let  her  know  Wat  her  siblings  did  ...and  mix  it  have  nice  life ...then  I'm  not  a  women  abused  and  been  taking  to  cleaners  who  has  had  second  rate   cleaning  product  because  top  dog  with  loads  of  monies  got  there  first

  16. I would handle it in a more civil way. And to REALLY prtotect my daughter I wouldn't go making a high pitched voice on GMTV. I wouldn't go to a rally trying to convince everyone to drink rats p**s. I'd carry it through like a normal person would. She the sort of person that puts Britain to shame!

  17. I think she did the ugly old man a favour by getting married to him. Why is she treated so badly, he is not exactly the catch of the year, it is only his money that makes him desirable to some woman. He reminds me of a turtle and i would not want him  for a million pounds . Yugghhh.

  18. without legal representation she did not have a leg to stand on

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