
If you were Jon Daniels, would you trade Josh Hamilton?

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what about if you received lets say Tim Lincecum or Matt Cain. What about Alexis Rios plus 2 toronto pitching prospects? These don't really fit... but what if




  1. No way Hamilton is the best player on the team. Have to keep him.

  2. if I were Jon Daniels, I would be hoping that the phone will be ringing from other baseball executives calling for a prospective employee.  J.D. has had opportunities (see Soriano for Wilkerson, the Chris Young trade etc.)  If Nolan Ryan does anything as the "President" of the Rangers he MUST find a new g.m. that will NOT be trading Hamilton this winter.  Does this team need pitching of course but it always has & always will just like 29 other teams.

  3. One Word


    The Rangers need too build thier franchise around Hamilton

    Its as simple as that

    They can trade trading Bradley, that might happen

  4. i feel that, in a strange way, Hamilton has given the Ranger's (and their fans) reason to hope again. Because of the way he came back to the game and the enthusiasm that he has brought other young guys are doing the same. Granted, it could just be that they are a young team and he (along with Michael Young) are the players that everyone knows this year, and so it seems that way, but i really think that trading him, even for MUCH needed pitching would be very foolish.

    I think the Ranger's are finally building something that could be special for many years to come-if they can only get some pitching- and i would honestly hate to see anyone traded (at least any of the young guys) but i think trading Hamilton could really be disastrous

  5. Only if I were getting 2 good MLB pitchers and a few prospects.  Hamilton was rated by scouts EXTREMELY HIGHLY, like A-Rod type talent, before his drug addiction.  Now that he is showing these flashes of greatness, I think it would be foolish to trade him for anything less than I stated.

    Hamilton was known to have the talent, the drugs just took him off track.

  6. No, the Rangers must keep him.  Its funny, i always believed it was easier to find pitching that outfielders.  Finally theres another big naem in Texas again.  And he could turn into a huge story, if im the Rangers, i do all i can to keep this slugger on my ballclub no matter what.

    WE have seen big name hitters leave Texas and we have no gained much in return for them.

    A-rod, Soriano, Teixeira.  All gone and we have not much to show for it.

    I say they keep atleast one slugger and focus on their minor league to step it up and develop some talent.

    EDIT: Heres the thing, a pitcher in Texas can always expect to put up subpar number.  Stats can prove it.  LIke every pitchers that comes to pitch in Arlington can expect their ERA to jump a few notches.  Texas' overall ERA is high, but its not as high as some expects.

    I think you gotta keep Hamilton.  NO MATTER WHAT!  If Texas wants to win, they resign the guy, give him as much money as it requires, but keep him!  Im an A's fan btw.

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