
If you were Kobe, would you turn down 50 million a year?

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Would you play in Europe for 50 mil/year? This question isn't to diss Kobe or Lebron. I'm just curious if any of you would take it.




  1. I haven't seen a 50 mil a year offer yet.  Kobe still has to win another ring with the team he has now and him as the undisputed leader!  

    Europe, whatever.

  2. if they were offered theyd take it because they would both get part ownership of the team they play for, plus they could drop like 50 a game against the europeans. if the nba was a state champ varsity team europe might be a bad jv team, and look what they doin in the nba

  3. h**l no!

  4. Nope.  

  5. to be honest if it was me or basically any one else in the

    players growing up playing basketball simply want to get good dreaming about playing in the nba not for some team in greece. you think o when i get good i wanna play for the bulls or for the lakers not olympus kierten.

  6. I wouldn't.  Then again, if I were Kobe I wouldn't have cheated on my wife with a second rate w***e either.  One way or another, though, it doesn't matter because I don't make his decisions for him.

  7. I would go play and return the next year to the US

  8. i wouldnt turn it down but it depends on what country i play in europe

  9. Yes,because I already have 100 million in my bank.

  10. No  

  11. I would turn it down, because if I'm Kobe Bryant I am no longer playing strictly to make money. So the 50 million, nice as it is, isn't a selling point for me. If I'm kobe I've already made millions and millions, I would want to win another title leading my team on the biggest stage and that's the NBA.

  12. Honestly I would because of the position the Lakers are in now. After a couple championship runs, there's no doubt I would play in Europe.

  13. If kobe bryant honestly leaves the NBA just for money I'm going to be very disappointed in just for the sole fact that all he's interested in is money. He already has hundreds of millions of dollars from endorsements and the LA Lakers so why would he even need that much more money. I also think him leaving would make a lot of fans dislike him since he kept complaining about how he needed a better team and he just leaves because they lost to the celtics in the finals.

    Final Words: No, I would stay in the nba, get that championship and rub it in shaq's face.

  14. I'm a big Lakers and Kobe fan ,But only a fool would turn that kind of money down!!50 million tax free!!

  15. I'd take it!

  16. I would play for NBA. I'm rich as h**l already. Should play against the best players.

    Well, one of LeBron's dreams is to become a billionaire so I don't know if he'd turn that deal down.

  17. What up Prince,

    i think the answer to that question from both Kobe and LeBron's perspectives would truly reflect where their priority is.  

    First we can admit financially neither of them are hurting.  If they had anyone on their staff that knew how to invest money- the two are set for life!!

    So while $50 million is a lot more than $20 million (esp. with the $50 million being tax-free) at what cost???  i mean if thse guys want to be in the same class as:  Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, etc.  (If they truly want to be considered the greatest of all-time) they must play against the highest level of competition.  

    There is no glory in scoring 50 points a game, averaging a triple-double (whatever they do) against European League players (the majority of which could not make it on an NBA squad).  Believe me Kobe and LeBron got enough bank already based on what they've done and when they get re-signed it's not like they'll be hurting financially- but in terms of legacy- i guess they have determine if it's worth selling their legacy for $30 million.  You'd consider that if you had nothing- but if i was Kobe or LeBron (especially Kobe at this point in his career) i'm playing for NBA championships and my place in history- not for money!


  18. i would it would solve my financial probs fr da rest of ma life

  19. no I wouldn't...

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